High Beginner
Begins after 16 counts
(1-8) Kick-ball-change 2x, rock, recover, shuffle back 1/2 turn right
1&2Kick RF forward - RF next to LF and - shift weight to LF
3&4Repeat Counts 1 & 2
5-6RF step forward - weight back to LF
7&81/4 R turn, step RF to the right - LF next to RF - ¼ turn R, step RF forward
(9-16) Kick-ball-change 2x, rock, recover, shuffle back 1/2 turn left
1&2Kick LF forward - LF next to RF and - shift weight to RF
3&4Repeat Counts 1 & 2
5-6LF step forward - weight back to RF
7&81/4 L-turn, LF step to the left - RF next to LF, ¼ L-turn, LF step forward
(17-24) Cross, back, chassé right, cross, back, coaster step
1 – 2Cross RF over LF - LF step back
3&4RF step to the right – LF next to RF - RF step to the right
5-6Cross LF over RF - RF step back
7&8LF step back - RF next to LF - LF step forward
(25-32) Together, walk, walk, shuffle fwd, rock, recover, together, rock, recover
&RF next to LF
1-2LF step forward - RF step forward
3&4LF step forward - RF next to LF - LF step forward
5-6RF step forward - weight back to LF
&RF next to LF
7-8LF step forward - weight back to RF
(33-40) Walk back (L + R), coaster-step, step turn 1/4 left, shuffle across
1-2LF step back - RF step back
3&4LF step back - RF next to LF - LF step forward
(Restart in the 2nd wall)
5-6RF step forward - 1/4 L turn
7&8Cross RF over LF - LF next to RF - cross RF over LF
(41-48) ¼ turn R, ¼ turn R, shuffle across, side, recover, behinde, side, close
1-21/4 R turn; LF step back - 1/4 R turn, RF step to the right
3&4cross LF over RF - RF next to LF - cross LF over RF
5-6RF step right - weight back to LF
7&8Cross RF behind LF - Step LF to the left - Touch RF next to LF (Weight on LF)
... and from the beginning
Restart in the 2nd wall after 36 counts
(1-8) Kick-ball-change 2x, rock, recover, shuffle back 1/2 turn right
1&2Kick RF forward - RF next to LF and - shift weight to LF
3&4Repeat Counts 1 & 2
5-6RF step forward - weight back to LF
7&81/4 R turn, step RF to the right - LF next to RF - ¼ turn R, step RF forward
(9-16) Kick-ball-change 2x, rock, recover, shuffle back 1/2 turn left
1&2Kick LF forward - LF next to RF and - shift weight to RF
3&4Repeat Counts 1 & 2
5-6LF step forward - weight back to RF
7&81/4 L-turn, LF step to the left - RF next to LF, ¼ L-turn, LF step forward
(17-24) Cross, back, chassé right, cross, back, coaster step
1 – 2Cross RF over LF - LF step back
3&4RF step to the right – LF next to RF - RF step to the right
5-6Cross LF over RF - RF step back
7&8LF step back - RF next to LF - LF step forward
(25-32) Together, walk, walk, shuffle fwd, rock, recover, together, rock, recover
&RF next to LF
1-2LF step forward - RF step forward
3&4LF step forward - RF next to LF - LF step forward
5-6RF step forward - weight back to LF
&RF next to LF
7-8LF step forward - weight back to RF
(33-40) Walk back (L + R), coaster-step, step turn 1/4 left, shuffle across
1-2LF step back - RF step back
3&4LF step back - RF next to LF - LF step forward
(Restart in the 2nd wall)
5-6RF step forward - 1/4 L turn
7&8Cross RF over LF - LF next to RF - cross RF over LF
(41-48) ¼ turn R, ¼ turn R, shuffle across, side, recover, behinde, side, close
1-21/4 R turn; LF step back - 1/4 R turn, RF step to the right
3&4cross LF over RF - RF next to LF - cross LF over RF
5-6RF step right - weight back to LF
7&8Cross RF behind LF - Step LF to the left - Touch RF next to LF (Weight on LF)
... and from the beginning
Restart in the 2nd wall after 36 counts