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Killing Me Softly (2020)!

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Easy Intermediate
Stephen Paterson (AUS) - February 2020
Killing Me Softly (feat. Jano) - Charming Horses : (Single)
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*1 Tag, repeated 4 times,

Start dance after 32 count instrumental intro
LDSP - Stephen Paterson Mob: 0438 695 494, email:

[1-8] Step Side, L Heel In, Straighten, R Heel In, Straighten, Behind, Quarter Shuffle Forward R
1 2Step right out to side, fan left heel in tapping left heel
3 4Step weight onto left straightening foot, fan right heel in tapping right heel
5 6Step weight onto right straightening foot, step left behind right
7 & 8Turn 1/4 right then step right forward, step left beside right (&) step right forward (R shuffle forward) 3.00

[9-16] Rock L Forward, Recover, Half L Forward, Sweep Quarter, Cross, Side, Behind, Toes Back 45
1 2Rock step left forward, recover weight back onto right in place
3 4Turn 1/2 left then step left forward, turn 1/4 left whilst sweeping right out to side 6.00
5 6Step right across left, step left out to side,
7 8Step right behind left, turn 1/8 right then touch left toes back 7.30

[17-24] Toes Forward, Back, Forward, Back, Cross, Side, Behind, Toes Back 45
1 2 3 4Touch left toes forward, back, forward, back 7.30
5 6Step left across right, turning 1/8 left (straightening to wall) step right out to side 6.00
7 8Step left behind right, turn 1/8 left then touch right toes back 4.30

[25-32] Toes Forward, Back, Forward, Back, Cross, Point, Cross, Point
1 2 3 4Touch right toes forward, back, forward, back 4.30
5 6Step right across left, turning 1/8 right (straightening to wall) point left out to side 6.00
7 8Step left across right, point right out to side 6.00

[33-40] Jazz Box Quarter Cross, Walk Around 3/4 right to ‘back’ wall
1 2Step right across left, turn 1/4 right then step left back 9.00
3 4Step right out to side, step left across right (starting your right turn by stepping toward 10.30) 10.30
5 6 7 8Walk around in an arc 3/4 right to finish to ‘back’ wall stepping right, left, right, left 6.00

[41 – 48] Press Forward 45, Bump, Bump, Touch Together, Press Forward L 45, Bump, Bump, Touch Together
1 2Press rock ball of right to R45, recover weight back onto left,
3 4Step weight forward onto right 45 in place, touch left beside right (option: roll hips clockwise)
5 6Press rock ball of left to L45, recover weight back onto right,
7 8Step weight forward onto left 45 in place, touch right beside left (option: roll hips anticlockwise)

TAG: After walls 2, 4, 5 and 6 (facing front, front, back and front wall) add the following 8 count tag
1 - 4Rock step right forward, recover weight back onto left in place,
Rock step right back, recover weight forward onto left in place
5 - 8Step right forward, pivot 1/2 left taking weight onto left in place,
Step right forward, pivot 1/2 left taking weight onto left in place.

ENDING: The last tag is your ending, then step right out to side to finish.
This is an original dance sheet, feel free to copy without change for distribution

1 评论

brenda b January 25, 2021

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