Partner Mixer
Alt. Music: Any fun songs you like! Just have fun!
Partners stand side by side facing Line-of-Dance Lead on the left Follow on the right (not holding hands)
The 32-count phrasing in Stayin’ Alive is off and on. Just ignore it, it gets back on.
Lead’s Footwork
Forward 4 Steps, Toe Bump, Back ¼ Hinge Turn (Fist Bump)
1-4Step forward Left, Right, Left, Right
5Touch Lett foot forward to Follow’s Foot
6Step back with Left foot
7Step back with Right foot w/¼ Turn Right
8Touch Left foot next to Right (Bump Both Fists to Follow’s Fists)
Back 3 steps, Clap, Forward 3 Steps, (Right Elbow Bump)
1-3Step back Left, Right, Left
4Touch Right foot next to Left foot (Clap)
5-7Step forward Right, Left, Right,
8Touch Left foot next to Rt foot
(Right Elbow Bump the Follow)
Hold 4 Counts or 4 Sways (Left Elbow Bump), Full Rolling Turn Left (Fist Bump)
1-4Stand still for 3 counts keep weight on Right foot (Left Elbow Bump the Follow’s elbow)
Option 1-4: Bump hips Left, Right, Left, Right
5-8¼ turn left forward, ½ left step back, ¼ turn left step side left, STEP DOWN RIGHT
(Fist Bump)
Vine Left ¼ Turn Left, Hip Bumps Rt, Rt, Lt, Rt
1-2Step side left, Hook Right behind Left
3-4¼ Turn left step forward Left, Touch Right
5-8Bump Hips Right & Right, Left, Right
Follow’s Footwork
Forward 4 Steps, Toe Bump, Back ¼ Hinge Turn (Fist Bump)
1-4Step forward Right, Left, Right, Left
5Touch Right foot forward to Lead’s Foot
6Step back with Right foot
7Step back with Left foot w/¼ Turn Left
8Touch Right foot next to Left (Bump Both Fists to Follow’s Fists)
Back 3 steps, Clap, Forward 3 Steps, (Right Elbow Bump)
1-3Step back Right, Left, Right
4Touch Left foot next to Right foot (Clap)
5-7Step forward Left, Right, Left
8Touch Right foot next to Lt foot
(Right Elbow Bump the Lead)
Full Rolling Turn RIght (Left Elbow Bump), Full Rolling Turn Left (Fist Bump)
1-4¼ turn right forward, ½ right step back, ¼ right step side right, touch Left foot
(Left Elbow Bump the Lead’s elbow)
5-8¼ turn left forward, ½ left step back, ¼ turn left step side left, touch Right foot
(Fist Bump)
Vine Right ¼ Turn Right, Hip Bumps Lt, Lt, Rt, Lt
1-2Step side Right, Hook Left behind Right
3-4¼ Turn right step forward Right, Touch Left
5-8Bump Hips Left & Left, Right, Left
Repeat (with a new partner)
Contact: Dave Serfling: dave@learn2dance4fun.com Seattle/Renton WA
Rockin’ Horse Dance Barn 11820 150th Ave SE, Renton, WA 98059 • 425-255-9211
www.learn2dance4fun.com YouTube Demo & Walk through https://youtu.be/lFeqUMnvbn8
Partners stand side by side facing Line-of-Dance Lead on the left Follow on the right (not holding hands)
The 32-count phrasing in Stayin’ Alive is off and on. Just ignore it, it gets back on.
Lead’s Footwork
Forward 4 Steps, Toe Bump, Back ¼ Hinge Turn (Fist Bump)
1-4Step forward Left, Right, Left, Right
5Touch Lett foot forward to Follow’s Foot
6Step back with Left foot
7Step back with Right foot w/¼ Turn Right
8Touch Left foot next to Right (Bump Both Fists to Follow’s Fists)
Back 3 steps, Clap, Forward 3 Steps, (Right Elbow Bump)
1-3Step back Left, Right, Left
4Touch Right foot next to Left foot (Clap)
5-7Step forward Right, Left, Right,
8Touch Left foot next to Rt foot
(Right Elbow Bump the Follow)
Hold 4 Counts or 4 Sways (Left Elbow Bump), Full Rolling Turn Left (Fist Bump)
1-4Stand still for 3 counts keep weight on Right foot (Left Elbow Bump the Follow’s elbow)
Option 1-4: Bump hips Left, Right, Left, Right
5-8¼ turn left forward, ½ left step back, ¼ turn left step side left, STEP DOWN RIGHT
(Fist Bump)
Vine Left ¼ Turn Left, Hip Bumps Rt, Rt, Lt, Rt
1-2Step side left, Hook Right behind Left
3-4¼ Turn left step forward Left, Touch Right
5-8Bump Hips Right & Right, Left, Right
Follow’s Footwork
Forward 4 Steps, Toe Bump, Back ¼ Hinge Turn (Fist Bump)
1-4Step forward Right, Left, Right, Left
5Touch Right foot forward to Lead’s Foot
6Step back with Right foot
7Step back with Left foot w/¼ Turn Left
8Touch Right foot next to Left (Bump Both Fists to Follow’s Fists)
Back 3 steps, Clap, Forward 3 Steps, (Right Elbow Bump)
1-3Step back Right, Left, Right
4Touch Left foot next to Right foot (Clap)
5-7Step forward Left, Right, Left
8Touch Right foot next to Lt foot
(Right Elbow Bump the Lead)
Full Rolling Turn RIght (Left Elbow Bump), Full Rolling Turn Left (Fist Bump)
1-4¼ turn right forward, ½ right step back, ¼ right step side right, touch Left foot
(Left Elbow Bump the Lead’s elbow)
5-8¼ turn left forward, ½ left step back, ¼ turn left step side left, touch Right foot
(Fist Bump)
Vine Right ¼ Turn Right, Hip Bumps Lt, Lt, Rt, Lt
1-2Step side Right, Hook Left behind Right
3-4¼ Turn right step forward Right, Touch Left
5-8Bump Hips Left & Left, Right, Left
Repeat (with a new partner)
Contact: Dave Serfling: dave@learn2dance4fun.com Seattle/Renton WA
Rockin’ Horse Dance Barn 11820 150th Ave SE, Renton, WA 98059 • 425-255-9211
www.learn2dance4fun.com YouTube Demo & Walk through https://youtu.be/lFeqUMnvbn8