CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Hey Girl

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Beginner / Improver
Stompin' Grounds (USA), Tessa Sturm & Dustin Sturm (USA) - June 2019
Hey Girl - Ashley Ryan
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Intro: 2 counts - start on the lyrics “Me and my girls…”
Note - One Restart during Wall 6 facing 6:00 on the lyrics “It’s a quarter til 3…”

Section 1: [1-8]: Walk, Shuffle Forward, Rock-Recover, L 1/4 Turn, L Side Shuffle
1-2Walk forward Right, Left
3&4Shuffle Forward Right, Left, Right
5-6Rock forward on Left, recover on Right
7&8Turn 1/4 turn to the Left & shuffle to the Left sideways Left, Right, Left

Section 2: {1-8]: L Cross Shuffle with Claps, Heel Switches
1-2Cross Right over Left, Hold & Clap Once
&3&4Step Left to side, Cross Right over Left, Hold & Clap Twice
5-6Step left, touch right heel diagonally forward
7-8Step right, touch left heel diagonally forward
*RESTART on Wall 6 after the instrumental following the first chorus.
You will do the first 16 counts, add a quick Left step and start the dance over from the beginning.

Section 3: [1-8]: L Vine, Full Traveling Spin to R
1-4Step Left to side, step Right behind Left, Step Left to side, Touch Right beside Left
5-8Full spin traveling to the Right stepping Right, Left, Right, Left

Section 4: [1-8]: L Toe Touch, R Toe Touch, Rock-Recover, Coaster Step
1-2Tap Left toe forward x 2
3-4Tap Right toe forward x 2
5-6Rock forward on Left, recover on Right
7&8Step back on Left, Step Right beside Left, Step forward on Left

NOTE (Optional)
*Sec 2 - Styling – While doing the Heel Switches, add Hip Sways/Dips – sway left, sway right
*Sec 2 - Instead of the Heel Switches, replace with Step-Touch, Step-Touch with Finger Snaps (Snap Left, Snap Right)

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