Intro: 8 Counts (2/4 wall)
[1-8] Back, Sweep, Sailor Step, Behind, ¼, Full Turn (or 2 Walks Forward)
1 2 3&4Step L back, Sweep R around behind left, Step R behind left, Step L to left, Step R to right
5 6Step L behind right, Turn 90° right step R forward (3)
7 8Turn 180° right step L back, Turn 180° right step R forward
[9-16] Forward, Rock, Back-Lock-Back, Back, Rock, ½ Turn Shuffle
1 2 3&4Step L forward, Rock/Recover back on R, Step L back, Lock R over left, Step L back
5 6 7&8Step R back, Rock/Recover onto L, Turn 180° left shuffle back: RLR (9) ##
[17-24] Behind, Side, Cross-Side-Behind, ¼, Rock, 1½ Turn Triple (or ½ Turn Shuffle)
1 2 3&4Step L behind right, Step R to right, Cross L over right, Step R to right, Step L behind right
5 6Turn 90° right step R forward, Rock/Recover back onto L (12)
7&8Turn 180° right step R forward, Turn 180° right step L back, Turn 180° right step R forward (6)
[25-32] Forward, Rock, Back-Lock-Back, ½, Rock, ¼, Cross
1 2 3&4Step L forward, Rock/Recover back on R, Step L back, Lock R over left, Step L back
5 6Turn 180° right step R forward, Rock/Recover back on L (12)
7 8Turn 90° right Step R to right, Step L across in front of right (3)
[33-40] Side, Drag, Behind-Side-Cross, ¼, Rock, ½, ¼
1 2 3&4Step R to right, Drag L towards right, Step L behind right, Step R to right, Cross L over right
5 6Turn 90° right step R forward, Rock/Recover back on L (6)
7 8Turn 180° right step R forward, Turn 90° right step L to left (3)
[41-48] Behind, Side, Cross- Side-Heel (Vaudeville), Together, Cross, Side, ¼ Coaster
1 2 3&4Step R behind left, Step L to left, Cross R over left, Step L to left, Touch R heel to right diagonal
&5 6Step R beside left, Cross L over right, Step R to right
7&8Turn 90° left step L back, Step R beside left, Step L forward (12)
[49-56] Dorothy, Dorothy, Forward, Rock, Together, Step, Pivot
1 2&Step R to right diagonal, Lock L behind right, Step R to right diagonal
3 4&Step L to left diagonal, Lock R behind left, Step L to left diagonal
5 6&Step R forward, Rock/Recover back onto L, Step R beside left
7 8Step L forward, Turn 180° right step R forward (6)
[57-64] Cross Samba, Cross Samba, Back, Sweep, Sailor Step
1&2Cross L over right, Step R to right, Rock/Recover onto L
3&4** Cross R over left, Step L to left, Rock/Recover onto R **
5 6 7&8Step L back, Sweep R around behind left, Step R behind left, Step L to left, Step R to right
Tag End Wall 6: Add the following 8 count Tag:
Back, Sweep, ¼ Sailor Step, Forward, Drag, Back, Drag
1 2Step L back, Sweep R around behind left
3&4Turn 90° right step R behind left, Step L to left, Step R to right
5-8Step L forward, Drag R up to left, Step R back, Drag L back towards right
Wall 1: Dance to Count 60 ** and restart at the 6 o’clock wall.
Wall 3: Dance to Count 16 ## and restart at the 9 o’clock wall.
Finish Wall 7: Dance to Count 40 and complete the following:
¼ turn back on R to face the front dragging L back towards right to finish.
Please feel free to copy this sheet provided that no changes are made to the original script.
Rebecca Ross rebeccaross1@bigpond.com.au 0439 672 697
[1-8] Back, Sweep, Sailor Step, Behind, ¼, Full Turn (or 2 Walks Forward)
1 2 3&4Step L back, Sweep R around behind left, Step R behind left, Step L to left, Step R to right
5 6Step L behind right, Turn 90° right step R forward (3)
7 8Turn 180° right step L back, Turn 180° right step R forward
[9-16] Forward, Rock, Back-Lock-Back, Back, Rock, ½ Turn Shuffle
1 2 3&4Step L forward, Rock/Recover back on R, Step L back, Lock R over left, Step L back
5 6 7&8Step R back, Rock/Recover onto L, Turn 180° left shuffle back: RLR (9) ##
[17-24] Behind, Side, Cross-Side-Behind, ¼, Rock, 1½ Turn Triple (or ½ Turn Shuffle)
1 2 3&4Step L behind right, Step R to right, Cross L over right, Step R to right, Step L behind right
5 6Turn 90° right step R forward, Rock/Recover back onto L (12)
7&8Turn 180° right step R forward, Turn 180° right step L back, Turn 180° right step R forward (6)
[25-32] Forward, Rock, Back-Lock-Back, ½, Rock, ¼, Cross
1 2 3&4Step L forward, Rock/Recover back on R, Step L back, Lock R over left, Step L back
5 6Turn 180° right step R forward, Rock/Recover back on L (12)
7 8Turn 90° right Step R to right, Step L across in front of right (3)
[33-40] Side, Drag, Behind-Side-Cross, ¼, Rock, ½, ¼
1 2 3&4Step R to right, Drag L towards right, Step L behind right, Step R to right, Cross L over right
5 6Turn 90° right step R forward, Rock/Recover back on L (6)
7 8Turn 180° right step R forward, Turn 90° right step L to left (3)
[41-48] Behind, Side, Cross- Side-Heel (Vaudeville), Together, Cross, Side, ¼ Coaster
1 2 3&4Step R behind left, Step L to left, Cross R over left, Step L to left, Touch R heel to right diagonal
&5 6Step R beside left, Cross L over right, Step R to right
7&8Turn 90° left step L back, Step R beside left, Step L forward (12)
[49-56] Dorothy, Dorothy, Forward, Rock, Together, Step, Pivot
1 2&Step R to right diagonal, Lock L behind right, Step R to right diagonal
3 4&Step L to left diagonal, Lock R behind left, Step L to left diagonal
5 6&Step R forward, Rock/Recover back onto L, Step R beside left
7 8Step L forward, Turn 180° right step R forward (6)
[57-64] Cross Samba, Cross Samba, Back, Sweep, Sailor Step
1&2Cross L over right, Step R to right, Rock/Recover onto L
3&4** Cross R over left, Step L to left, Rock/Recover onto R **
5 6 7&8Step L back, Sweep R around behind left, Step R behind left, Step L to left, Step R to right
Tag End Wall 6: Add the following 8 count Tag:
Back, Sweep, ¼ Sailor Step, Forward, Drag, Back, Drag
1 2Step L back, Sweep R around behind left
3&4Turn 90° right step R behind left, Step L to left, Step R to right
5-8Step L forward, Drag R up to left, Step R back, Drag L back towards right
Wall 1: Dance to Count 60 ** and restart at the 6 o’clock wall.
Wall 3: Dance to Count 16 ## and restart at the 9 o’clock wall.
Finish Wall 7: Dance to Count 40 and complete the following:
¼ turn back on R to face the front dragging L back towards right to finish.
Please feel free to copy this sheet provided that no changes are made to the original script.
Rebecca Ross rebeccaross1@bigpond.com.au 0439 672 697