Partnerdance in Right Side by Side position
Pinwheel Turn
(L-hands up, R-hands hip lady)
1RF step beside eachother 1/4 turn R
2LF step beside
3RF step forward 1/2 turn R
4LF step forward 1/4 turn R
5RF step beside
6LF step forward 1/4 turn R
Basic Waltz Steps, Back Run, Developpe
7RF step forward
8LF step beside
9RF step in place
10LF small step back
11RF small step back
12LF developpe
Left Windmill Turn
13LF step forward 1/4 turn L (R-hands up)
14RF step back 1/4 turn L (Hold L-hands L-side lady , R-hands over lady and down)
15LF step beside
16RF step back 1/4 turn L (L-hands up, hold R-hands R-side lady)
17LF step side 1/4 turn L (L-hands over lady and down)
18RF step beside
19LF step forward 1/4 turn L (R-hand up)
20RF step side 1/4 turn L (Hold L-hands L-side lady , R-hands over lady and down)
21LF step beside
22RF step back 1/4 turn L (L-hands up, hold R-hands R-side lady)
23LF step side (L-hands over lady, hold hands shoulder hight)
24RF developpe
Forward 1/2 Roll, Waltz Back, Developpe
25RF step forward
26LF step back 1/2 turn R
27RF step back
28LF small step back
29RF small step back
30LF developpe
Step, Roll, Balance,
31LF small step forward
32RF small step back 1/2 turn L
33LF small step forward 1/2 turn L
34RF small step forward
35LF step back 1/2 turn R
36RF small step back
Ronde de Jambe & Arrière
37LF small step back
38-39LF 1/2 turn R, RF circle toe over floor from front to back and step together
40LF small step back
41-42LF 1/2 turn R, RF circle toe over floor from front to back and touch beside L
Cross Rock into Weave (Lady’s Rolling Turn)
43RF rock across L
44LF rock back
45RF small step side (R-hands up)
46LF step across - step fwd 1/4 turn R
47RF small step side - step side 1/4 turn R
48LF cross behind - step side 1/2 turn R
(back in Right Side by Side position)
1start over
Pinwheel Turn
(L-hands up, R-hands hip lady)
1RF step beside eachother 1/4 turn R
2LF step beside
3RF step forward 1/2 turn R
4LF step forward 1/4 turn R
5RF step beside
6LF step forward 1/4 turn R
Basic Waltz Steps, Back Run, Developpe
7RF step forward
8LF step beside
9RF step in place
10LF small step back
11RF small step back
12LF developpe
Left Windmill Turn
13LF step forward 1/4 turn L (R-hands up)
14RF step back 1/4 turn L (Hold L-hands L-side lady , R-hands over lady and down)
15LF step beside
16RF step back 1/4 turn L (L-hands up, hold R-hands R-side lady)
17LF step side 1/4 turn L (L-hands over lady and down)
18RF step beside
19LF step forward 1/4 turn L (R-hand up)
20RF step side 1/4 turn L (Hold L-hands L-side lady , R-hands over lady and down)
21LF step beside
22RF step back 1/4 turn L (L-hands up, hold R-hands R-side lady)
23LF step side (L-hands over lady, hold hands shoulder hight)
24RF developpe
Forward 1/2 Roll, Waltz Back, Developpe
25RF step forward
26LF step back 1/2 turn R
27RF step back
28LF small step back
29RF small step back
30LF developpe
Step, Roll, Balance,
31LF small step forward
32RF small step back 1/2 turn L
33LF small step forward 1/2 turn L
34RF small step forward
35LF step back 1/2 turn R
36RF small step back
Ronde de Jambe & Arrière
37LF small step back
38-39LF 1/2 turn R, RF circle toe over floor from front to back and step together
40LF small step back
41-42LF 1/2 turn R, RF circle toe over floor from front to back and touch beside L
Cross Rock into Weave (Lady’s Rolling Turn)
43RF rock across L
44LF rock back
45RF small step side (R-hands up)
46LF step across - step fwd 1/4 turn R
47RF small step side - step side 1/4 turn R
48LF cross behind - step side 1/2 turn R
(back in Right Side by Side position)
1start over