Dance starts after 48 counts with vocals
Set 1: Step Back with Hip Bumps, Step Back with Hip Bumps, Rock Back, Recover, Shuffle Forward
1&2Step back on R as you bump R hip down (sit position), bump L hip up, bring R hip down
3&4Step back on L as you bump L hip down (sit position), bump R hip up, bring L hip down
5-6Rock back on R, recover on L
7&8Shuffle forward R, L, R
Set 2: Step ½ Turn, Shuffle Forward, Hip Rolls ½ Turn
1-2Step forward on L, turn ½ turn R stepping forward on R
3&4Shuffle forward L, R, L
5-6Step slightly forward on R and rolls hips counterclockwise ¼ turn L (weight ending on L)
7-8Step slightly forward on R and rolls hips counterclockwise ¼ turn L (weight ending on L)
Set 3: Rocking Horse, Bump Hips with Panning Arm Move
1-4Rock forward on R, recover back on L, rock back on R, recover forward on L
5-8Step R to R side (feet are apart) bump R hip as you look from L to R and either point R index finger
or have palm of R hand facing up as you pan R arm from L to R (weight on R on count 8)
Set 4: Bump Hips with Panning Arm Move, Pivot 1/2 Turn, Pivot 1/2 Turn
1-4Switch weight to L (feet are still apart) and bump L hip as you look from R to L and either point L index finger or have palm of L hand facing up as you pan L arm from R to L (weight on L on count 4)
5-8Step forward on R, pivot ½ turn L (weight on L), step forward on R, pivot ½ turn L (weight on L)
Set 5: Jump Forward Out-Out, Clap, Jump Back Out-Out, Clap, Hip Bumps
&1-2Jump forward with feet apart R, L for counts &1, clap on count 2
&3-4Jump back with feet apart R, L for counts &3, clap on count 4
5-8Bump R hip to R side for counts 5-6; bump L hip to L side for counts 7-8 (weight ends on L)
Set 6: ¼ Turn Step Back, Step Back, Back Coaster Step, Full Turn Forward, Shuffle Forward
1-2Turn ¼ turn L (9 o’clock wall) as you step back on R, step back on L
3&4Step back on R, step L next to R, step forward on R
5-6Two count full turn stepping forward on L, turn 1/2 half turn L stepping back on R, turn ½ turn L
7&8Shuffle forward L, R, L (still facing 9 o’clock)
Set 7: Side Ball Cross, Hold, Hip Bumps with Arm Rolls and Hand Gestures
&1-2Step R to R side, cross L over R (weight on L), hold on count 2
3-4Step R to R side as you bump hips R twice and roll arms to upper L side (count for rolling arms 3&4)
5-6Shift weight to L as you bump hips L twice and roll arms to upper R side (count for rolling arms 5&6)
7-8Shift weight to R as you bump hips R twice for 7-8 and “slice” hands (palms facing away
from you), arms bent with R hand slightly higher than L, switching them like a “karate chop”(counts 7&8)
Set 8: Side Rock, Recover, And Step Together, Side Rock, Recover, Step Behind, ¼ Turn, Rock Forward, Recover
1-2Side rock L to L side, recover on R
&3-4Step L next to R, rock R to R side, recover on L
5-8Step R behind L, turn ¼ L on L, rocking forward on R, recover back on L
*BRIDGE: After you have danced the dance to the front wall and back wall, dance the first 32 counts of the dance (Sets 1-4) and then the following 16 counts : (you will be at the front wall)
1-2Point R to R side, hold
&3-4Step R next to L, point L to L side, hold for count 4
&5&6Step L next to R, point R to R side, step R next to L, point L to L side
&7-8Step L next to R, point R to R side, hold for count 8
&1-2Hitch R, turn 1/4 L as you push hips to R bringing weight to R, then push hips to L (9 o’clock)
3-4Turn 1/4 L as you push hips to R bringing weight to R, then push hips to L (6 o’clock)
5-6Turn 1/4 L as you push hips to R bringing weight to R, then push hips to L (3 o’clock)
7-8Turn 1/4 L as you push hips to R bringing weight to R, then push hips to L (12 o’clock)
Then continue the dance where you were before the tag which is at SET 5 (NOT A RESTART)
Email: Bonanzab@aol.com Website: www.djdancing.com
Last Update – 9 April 2020
Set 1: Step Back with Hip Bumps, Step Back with Hip Bumps, Rock Back, Recover, Shuffle Forward
1&2Step back on R as you bump R hip down (sit position), bump L hip up, bring R hip down
3&4Step back on L as you bump L hip down (sit position), bump R hip up, bring L hip down
5-6Rock back on R, recover on L
7&8Shuffle forward R, L, R
Set 2: Step ½ Turn, Shuffle Forward, Hip Rolls ½ Turn
1-2Step forward on L, turn ½ turn R stepping forward on R
3&4Shuffle forward L, R, L
5-6Step slightly forward on R and rolls hips counterclockwise ¼ turn L (weight ending on L)
7-8Step slightly forward on R and rolls hips counterclockwise ¼ turn L (weight ending on L)
Set 3: Rocking Horse, Bump Hips with Panning Arm Move
1-4Rock forward on R, recover back on L, rock back on R, recover forward on L
5-8Step R to R side (feet are apart) bump R hip as you look from L to R and either point R index finger
or have palm of R hand facing up as you pan R arm from L to R (weight on R on count 8)
Set 4: Bump Hips with Panning Arm Move, Pivot 1/2 Turn, Pivot 1/2 Turn
1-4Switch weight to L (feet are still apart) and bump L hip as you look from R to L and either point L index finger or have palm of L hand facing up as you pan L arm from R to L (weight on L on count 4)
5-8Step forward on R, pivot ½ turn L (weight on L), step forward on R, pivot ½ turn L (weight on L)
Set 5: Jump Forward Out-Out, Clap, Jump Back Out-Out, Clap, Hip Bumps
&1-2Jump forward with feet apart R, L for counts &1, clap on count 2
&3-4Jump back with feet apart R, L for counts &3, clap on count 4
5-8Bump R hip to R side for counts 5-6; bump L hip to L side for counts 7-8 (weight ends on L)
Set 6: ¼ Turn Step Back, Step Back, Back Coaster Step, Full Turn Forward, Shuffle Forward
1-2Turn ¼ turn L (9 o’clock wall) as you step back on R, step back on L
3&4Step back on R, step L next to R, step forward on R
5-6Two count full turn stepping forward on L, turn 1/2 half turn L stepping back on R, turn ½ turn L
7&8Shuffle forward L, R, L (still facing 9 o’clock)
Set 7: Side Ball Cross, Hold, Hip Bumps with Arm Rolls and Hand Gestures
&1-2Step R to R side, cross L over R (weight on L), hold on count 2
3-4Step R to R side as you bump hips R twice and roll arms to upper L side (count for rolling arms 3&4)
5-6Shift weight to L as you bump hips L twice and roll arms to upper R side (count for rolling arms 5&6)
7-8Shift weight to R as you bump hips R twice for 7-8 and “slice” hands (palms facing away
from you), arms bent with R hand slightly higher than L, switching them like a “karate chop”(counts 7&8)
Set 8: Side Rock, Recover, And Step Together, Side Rock, Recover, Step Behind, ¼ Turn, Rock Forward, Recover
1-2Side rock L to L side, recover on R
&3-4Step L next to R, rock R to R side, recover on L
5-8Step R behind L, turn ¼ L on L, rocking forward on R, recover back on L
*BRIDGE: After you have danced the dance to the front wall and back wall, dance the first 32 counts of the dance (Sets 1-4) and then the following 16 counts : (you will be at the front wall)
1-2Point R to R side, hold
&3-4Step R next to L, point L to L side, hold for count 4
&5&6Step L next to R, point R to R side, step R next to L, point L to L side
&7-8Step L next to R, point R to R side, hold for count 8
&1-2Hitch R, turn 1/4 L as you push hips to R bringing weight to R, then push hips to L (9 o’clock)
3-4Turn 1/4 L as you push hips to R bringing weight to R, then push hips to L (6 o’clock)
5-6Turn 1/4 L as you push hips to R bringing weight to R, then push hips to L (3 o’clock)
7-8Turn 1/4 L as you push hips to R bringing weight to R, then push hips to L (12 o’clock)
Then continue the dance where you were before the tag which is at SET 5 (NOT A RESTART)
Email: Bonanzab@aol.com Website: www.djdancing.com
Last Update – 9 April 2020