CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Zoey Ng (MY) - February 2020
Blueming (블루밍) - IU (아이유)
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Intro : 16 count

Sec 1 : R rock cross, L rock cross, Gliding full box turning L
1 & 2Rock R to R, recover on L, cross R over L,
3 & 4Rock L to L, recover on R, cross L over R
5 – 8Slide/step R to R turning 1/4 L, slide/step L to L turning 1/4 L, slide/step R to R turning 1/4 L, Turn 1/4 L by stepping L to L - (3:00)

Sec 2 : Side Behind Side, Cross Rock, Recover, Cross, Sweep R, Step L back, Close R, Pop both knee
1 – 2&Step R to R, cross L behind R, step R to R
3& 4&Cross L over R, recover on R, step back on L, recover on R
5 – 6&Cross L over R, sweep R front behind to front, cross R over L, step diagonal back on L (4.30)
7 & 8Close R to L, pop both knee forward

Sec 3 : Wizard Steps x 2, Step R Forward, Step L back 1/2 turn R, R Coaster step
1 – 2&Step R to R diagonal, lock L behind R, step R to R (4.30)
3 & 4Step L to L diagonal, lock R behind L, step L to L
5 – 6Step R forward (square to 3.00), step L back 1/2 turning R (9.00)
7 & 8Step R back, close L next to R, step R forward

Sec 4 : Walk forward L,R, L Shuffle, Pivot 1/2 L turn, Ball step forward R, L
1 – 2Walk forward L, R
3 & 4Step L forward, lock R behind L, step L forward
5 – 6Step R forward, pivot 1/2 turn L weight on R (3.00)
&7 – 8Close L next to R, step forward R, L

TAG 1 - End of Wall 4 – Hand movement – (facing 12.00)
1 – 2Open both hands from top of head to both sides while slowly opening fist like a flower blooming, (drag RF forward next to LF)
3 – 4Push open both hands to both sides to form a straight line, slowly close hands into fist from little finger to thumb while drawing hands back in. (Step RF to R and drag LF next to RF, end weight on RF)
5 – 6Push both hands out in front of you with open palm, tip toe on both legs, end weight in center. Pull your hand back in front of your chest forming an “X” shape, R hand in front of L hand, with your palm facing your chest and your fingers slightly opened, change weight to LF as you step down from the tip toe.
7 – 8Hold for 2 count

Ending - TAG 2 - Hand movement
1 – 2Open both hands from top of head to both sides while slowly opening fist like a flower blooming, turn 1/4 R while dragging LF next to R. (12.00)
3 – 4Push open both hands to both sides to form a straight line, slowly close hands into fist from little finger to thumb while drawing hands back in
(Step RF to R and drag LF next to R, end weight on RF)
5 – 6Push both hands out in front of you with open palm, tip toe on both legs, end weight in center.
Pull your hand back in front of your chest forming an “X” shape, R hand in front of L hand, with your palm facing your chest and your fingers slightly opened, change weight to LF as you step down from the tip toe.

Email: - 20/02/20

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