Beginner / Improver - Smooth
(2) Music: I Am a Good Girl by Christina Aguilera (with burlesque style kicks)
(available on iTunes)
(1)Start after 32 beats on lyrics ‘Blackbird’
(2)Start after 16 beats on lyrics ‘My dress’
S1: Short weave to left with point, short weave to right with point
1-4Cross R over L, step L to side, step R behind L, point L to side (styling push hips up as you point)
5-8Cross L over R, step R to side, step L behind R, point R to side (styling push hips up as you point)
S2: Step forward with R cross-kick with L, step forward with L cross-kick with R, V-step
9-10Step forward with R, kick L forward and across R
11-12Step forward with L, kick R forward and across L
(optional steps
9-10Cross step R over L, kick L forward diagonally
11-12Cross step L over R, kick R forward diagonally)
13-14Step forward diagonally with R, step forward diagonally with L (big V step)
15-16Step back diagonally with R to centre, step back diagonally with L next to R (little V step)
S3: Two Charlestons
17-20Step forward with R, kick forward with L, step back with L behind R, touch R to back behind L
21-24Repeat steps 17-20
S4: Make ½ turn L, make ¼ turn L paddle, cross R point with L, cross L point with R
25-28Step forward with R, turn ½ L (6.00) step back on L, step forward with R, turn ¼ L (3.00) step back on L
(optional steps)
25-28 2x 1/8 L paddles with hip rolls)
29-32Cross R over L, point L to side, cross L over R, point R to side
To finish in the front (12.00), on last cycle starting at 12.00 replace ½ and ¼ L turns with ½ and ½ L turns.
Then Cross R over L, point L to side, cross L over R, point R to side and strike a pose.
Version 2-03/20
Email: mariepietersz@hotmail.com - Tel: 61 412 296 827
Last Update – 5 March 2020c.auAL1 R to R side,
(available on iTunes)
(1)Start after 32 beats on lyrics ‘Blackbird’
(2)Start after 16 beats on lyrics ‘My dress’
S1: Short weave to left with point, short weave to right with point
1-4Cross R over L, step L to side, step R behind L, point L to side (styling push hips up as you point)
5-8Cross L over R, step R to side, step L behind R, point R to side (styling push hips up as you point)
S2: Step forward with R cross-kick with L, step forward with L cross-kick with R, V-step
9-10Step forward with R, kick L forward and across R
11-12Step forward with L, kick R forward and across L
(optional steps
9-10Cross step R over L, kick L forward diagonally
11-12Cross step L over R, kick R forward diagonally)
13-14Step forward diagonally with R, step forward diagonally with L (big V step)
15-16Step back diagonally with R to centre, step back diagonally with L next to R (little V step)
S3: Two Charlestons
17-20Step forward with R, kick forward with L, step back with L behind R, touch R to back behind L
21-24Repeat steps 17-20
S4: Make ½ turn L, make ¼ turn L paddle, cross R point with L, cross L point with R
25-28Step forward with R, turn ½ L (6.00) step back on L, step forward with R, turn ¼ L (3.00) step back on L
(optional steps)
25-28 2x 1/8 L paddles with hip rolls)
29-32Cross R over L, point L to side, cross L over R, point R to side
To finish in the front (12.00), on last cycle starting at 12.00 replace ½ and ¼ L turns with ½ and ½ L turns.
Then Cross R over L, point L to side, cross L over R, point R to side and strike a pose.
Version 2-03/20
Email: mariepietersz@hotmail.com - Tel: 61 412 296 827
Last Update – 5 March 2020c.auAL1 R to R side,