High Beginner
Start after 8 counts when vocal begins...
Reversed Modified V-Steps
1-4Right tap step with 2 quick arms up/down to the right diagonal (optional shuffle), step left, step right
5-8Left tap step with 2 quick arms up/down to the left diagonal (optional shuffle), step right, step left
RIght Bop, 2 Hip Circles, Left Bop, 2 HIp Circles
1-2Right step, left together
3&4Circle hips quickly twice
5-6Left step, right together
7&8Circle hips quickly twice
(Restart Wall 2 and Wall 6)
Switching Heel & Toe ¼ turn, switching heel & toe ¼ turn
1&2&3&4&Touch right heel forward, step right in place and touch left toe back, Make ¼ turn left stepping left in place, touch right toe back
5&6&7&8&Step right in place touch left heel forward, Step left in place, touch right heel fwd, step right in place and touch left toe back, Make ¼ turn left stepping left in place, touch right toe back, step right in place, touch left heel
Right Sailor, Left Sailor, Right Sailor, ¼ Left Turning Left Sailor
1&2Rock right foot behind left, step left foot out to left side, step right foot out to right side
3&4Rock left foot behind right, step right foot out to right side, step left foot out to left side
5&6Rock right foot behind left, step left foot out to left side, step right foot out to right side
7&8 1⁄4 Left turn Rock left foot behind right, step right foot out to right side, step left foot out to left side
(*Last turning sailor make ½ turn to face 12 o’clock at end of song)
Restart Wall 2 after 16 counts, facing 3 o’clock
Restart Wall 6 after 16 counts, facing 12 o’clock
Reversed Modified V-Steps
1-4Right tap step with 2 quick arms up/down to the right diagonal (optional shuffle), step left, step right
5-8Left tap step with 2 quick arms up/down to the left diagonal (optional shuffle), step right, step left
RIght Bop, 2 Hip Circles, Left Bop, 2 HIp Circles
1-2Right step, left together
3&4Circle hips quickly twice
5-6Left step, right together
7&8Circle hips quickly twice
(Restart Wall 2 and Wall 6)
Switching Heel & Toe ¼ turn, switching heel & toe ¼ turn
1&2&3&4&Touch right heel forward, step right in place and touch left toe back, Make ¼ turn left stepping left in place, touch right toe back
5&6&7&8&Step right in place touch left heel forward, Step left in place, touch right heel fwd, step right in place and touch left toe back, Make ¼ turn left stepping left in place, touch right toe back, step right in place, touch left heel
Right Sailor, Left Sailor, Right Sailor, ¼ Left Turning Left Sailor
1&2Rock right foot behind left, step left foot out to left side, step right foot out to right side
3&4Rock left foot behind right, step right foot out to right side, step left foot out to left side
5&6Rock right foot behind left, step left foot out to left side, step right foot out to right side
7&8 1⁄4 Left turn Rock left foot behind right, step right foot out to right side, step left foot out to left side
(*Last turning sailor make ½ turn to face 12 o’clock at end of song)
Restart Wall 2 after 16 counts, facing 3 o’clock
Restart Wall 6 after 16 counts, facing 12 o’clock