#16 count intro. Start on vocals.
Walk Right, Left, Rocking Chair & Right, Left, Side Rock, Cross
1-2step fwd right, step fwd left
3&4&rock right fwd, replace weight to left, rock right back, replace weight to left
5-6step fwd right, step fwd left
&7-8rock right to right side, recover weight to left, cross right over left
Side, Sailor Heel & Cross, Side, Hinge 1/2 Turn, Ball Cross & Cross
1step left to left side
2&3rock back right, replace weight to left, touch right heel fwd
&4step onto right, cross left over right
5step right to right side
6turning 1/2 turn left – step left to left side
&7&8close right to left(&) cross shuffle left, right, left
Diagonal Rock, Behind Side Cross, Diagonal Rock, Behind, Side, Fwd
1-2rock right to right diagonal, replace weight to left
3&4step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left
5-6rock left to left diagonal, replace weight to right
7&8step left behind right, step right to right side, step fwd left
Rock Step, 1/2 Turn Shuffle, Pivot 1/2 Turn, Step, Triple Full Turn, &
1-2rock fwd right, replace weight to left
3&4shuffle 1/2 turn right stepping right, left, right
5&6step fwd left, pivot 1/2 turn right, step fwd left
7&8&turn a full turn left - stepping right, left, right, step onto left(&)
Begin Again
Contact: michael@inline.ie - www.inline.ie
Walk Right, Left, Rocking Chair & Right, Left, Side Rock, Cross
1-2step fwd right, step fwd left
3&4&rock right fwd, replace weight to left, rock right back, replace weight to left
5-6step fwd right, step fwd left
&7-8rock right to right side, recover weight to left, cross right over left
Side, Sailor Heel & Cross, Side, Hinge 1/2 Turn, Ball Cross & Cross
1step left to left side
2&3rock back right, replace weight to left, touch right heel fwd
&4step onto right, cross left over right
5step right to right side
6turning 1/2 turn left – step left to left side
&7&8close right to left(&) cross shuffle left, right, left
Diagonal Rock, Behind Side Cross, Diagonal Rock, Behind, Side, Fwd
1-2rock right to right diagonal, replace weight to left
3&4step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left
5-6rock left to left diagonal, replace weight to right
7&8step left behind right, step right to right side, step fwd left
Rock Step, 1/2 Turn Shuffle, Pivot 1/2 Turn, Step, Triple Full Turn, &
1-2rock fwd right, replace weight to left
3&4shuffle 1/2 turn right stepping right, left, right
5&6step fwd left, pivot 1/2 turn right, step fwd left
7&8&turn a full turn left - stepping right, left, right, step onto left(&)
Begin Again
Contact: michael@inline.ie - www.inline.ie