Intro: 32 counts
Vine right with touch, heel hook heel touch
1234Step right to side, step left behind, step right to side, touch left next right
56Touch left heel forward, hook in front of right
78Touch left heel forward, touch left next right (12.00)
Vine left with touch, heel hook heel touch
1234Step left to side, step right behind, step left to side, touch right next left
56Touch right heel forward, hook in front of left
78Touch right heel forward, touch right next left (12.00)
Jazz box ¼ turn right X 2
1234Cross right over left, step left back, turn ¼ R step right to side, step left to side (3.00)
5678Cross right over left, step left back, turn ¼ R step right to side, step left to side (6.00)
V step ¼ turn right, heel split x2
1234Step right out, step left out, turn ¼ R step right to side, step left next to right (9.00)
56Weight on the toes, heels turn out then back together
78Weight on the toes, heels turn out then back together (9.00)
No Tag! No Restart! Have fun!
Finish: Last wall will be started at the back keep dancing till the V step facing the front without turn and dance to the end.
Contact: email - Williewkyeung@gmail.com - Mobile : 0411 653 368
Vine right with touch, heel hook heel touch
1234Step right to side, step left behind, step right to side, touch left next right
56Touch left heel forward, hook in front of right
78Touch left heel forward, touch left next right (12.00)
Vine left with touch, heel hook heel touch
1234Step left to side, step right behind, step left to side, touch right next left
56Touch right heel forward, hook in front of left
78Touch right heel forward, touch right next left (12.00)
Jazz box ¼ turn right X 2
1234Cross right over left, step left back, turn ¼ R step right to side, step left to side (3.00)
5678Cross right over left, step left back, turn ¼ R step right to side, step left to side (6.00)
V step ¼ turn right, heel split x2
1234Step right out, step left out, turn ¼ R step right to side, step left next to right (9.00)
56Weight on the toes, heels turn out then back together
78Weight on the toes, heels turn out then back together (9.00)
No Tag! No Restart! Have fun!
Finish: Last wall will be started at the back keep dancing till the V step facing the front without turn and dance to the end.
Contact: email - Williewkyeung@gmail.com - Mobile : 0411 653 368