*Recommended by : my son Martin Sianturi
Intro 16 Counts, No Tag, No Restart
(1-8) Back, Sweep, Behind, ¼ R, Forward, Spiral R, Run, Run, Run, Recover, Back, Forward, Forward
1 2 &Step Back on R, Sweep L to Back (1), Step L behind R (2), Make ¼ turn R, Step R forward (&) 03.00
3 4 &Step L Forward and Spiral turn R (3), Step R Forward (4), Step L Forward (&)
5 6 &Rock R Forward (5) Recover on L (6), Step R next to L (&)
7 8Step L Forward (7) Step R Forward (8)
(9-16) Back, Sweep, Behind, Cross, Scissor Step, ¼ L, Back, ¼ L, Side, Cross, Recover, Side, Recover
1 2 &Step back on L, Sweep R to back (1), Step R behind L (2), Step L to L side (&)
Optional Styling (When lyric “The truth will set you free”) : Raise both arms up with palms up (1) Lower both hands to sides slowly with palms down (2)
3 4 &Cross R over L (3), Step L to L side (4), Step R next to L (&)
5 6 &Cross L over R (5), Make ¼ turn L step back on R (6) 12.00, Make ¼ turn L step L to L side (&) 09.00
7 &Cross rock R over L (7), Recover on L (&)
8 &Side rock R to R side (8), Recover on L (&)
Enjoy the Dance
Contact : dksiagian20@gmail.com
Intro 16 Counts, No Tag, No Restart
(1-8) Back, Sweep, Behind, ¼ R, Forward, Spiral R, Run, Run, Run, Recover, Back, Forward, Forward
1 2 &Step Back on R, Sweep L to Back (1), Step L behind R (2), Make ¼ turn R, Step R forward (&) 03.00
3 4 &Step L Forward and Spiral turn R (3), Step R Forward (4), Step L Forward (&)
5 6 &Rock R Forward (5) Recover on L (6), Step R next to L (&)
7 8Step L Forward (7) Step R Forward (8)
(9-16) Back, Sweep, Behind, Cross, Scissor Step, ¼ L, Back, ¼ L, Side, Cross, Recover, Side, Recover
1 2 &Step back on L, Sweep R to back (1), Step R behind L (2), Step L to L side (&)
Optional Styling (When lyric “The truth will set you free”) : Raise both arms up with palms up (1) Lower both hands to sides slowly with palms down (2)
3 4 &Cross R over L (3), Step L to L side (4), Step R next to L (&)
5 6 &Cross L over R (5), Make ¼ turn L step back on R (6) 12.00, Make ¼ turn L step L to L side (&) 09.00
7 &Cross rock R over L (7), Recover on L (&)
8 &Side rock R to R side (8), Recover on L (&)
Enjoy the Dance
Contact : dksiagian20@gmail.com