(Start dancing on lyrics)
[S1] Heel Swivel, Step-Together, 1/4L Bounce-Bounce
1 2Weight is on the balls of both feet/heels right, Heels left
3 4Heels right, Back to the centre
5 6Step forward on R, Step L beside R
7 8Bounce heels turning 1/8 L x 2 (end facing 1/4 L)
[S2] Cross-Point, Cross-Scuff, Weave 1/4L
1 2Cross R over L, Point L to the side
3 4Cross L over R, Scuff R
5 6Cross R over L, Step L to the side
7 8Step R behind L, Make a ¼ turn left stepping forward on L (6:00)
[S3] 2x Kick-Kick-Back-Touch
1 2Kick R forward, Kick R to the side
3 4Step back on R, Touch L next to R
5 6Kick L forward, Kick L to the side
7 8Step back on L, Touch R next to L (6:00)
[S4] Box 1/4R, Fwd Rock, 1/2R Fwd-Together
1 2Cross R over L, Make a ¼ turn right stepping back on L
3 4Step R to the side, Step forward on L (9:00)
5 6Rock forward on R, Recover weight on L
7 8Make a ½ turn right stepping forward on R, Step L together (3:00)
Please contact me if you need any further information. (hirokoclinedancing@gmail.com)
(updated: 30/Oct/19)
[S1] Heel Swivel, Step-Together, 1/4L Bounce-Bounce
1 2Weight is on the balls of both feet/heels right, Heels left
3 4Heels right, Back to the centre
5 6Step forward on R, Step L beside R
7 8Bounce heels turning 1/8 L x 2 (end facing 1/4 L)
[S2] Cross-Point, Cross-Scuff, Weave 1/4L
1 2Cross R over L, Point L to the side
3 4Cross L over R, Scuff R
5 6Cross R over L, Step L to the side
7 8Step R behind L, Make a ¼ turn left stepping forward on L (6:00)
[S3] 2x Kick-Kick-Back-Touch
1 2Kick R forward, Kick R to the side
3 4Step back on R, Touch L next to R
5 6Kick L forward, Kick L to the side
7 8Step back on L, Touch R next to L (6:00)
[S4] Box 1/4R, Fwd Rock, 1/2R Fwd-Together
1 2Cross R over L, Make a ¼ turn right stepping back on L
3 4Step R to the side, Step forward on L (9:00)
5 6Rock forward on R, Recover weight on L
7 8Make a ½ turn right stepping forward on R, Step L together (3:00)
Please contact me if you need any further information. (hirokoclinedancing@gmail.com)
(updated: 30/Oct/19)