Step, Twist, Twist, Behind, Side, Cross, Ball Step, Heel Jack, Ball Step, Cross, Ball Step, Heel Jack, Ball Step, Step Forward
1&2,3&4Step LF to left side (1), Twist heels to left (&), Twist heels back to center weight on RF (2), Step LF behind RF (3), Step RF to right (&), Cross LF over RF (4)
&5&6&7&8Step RF to right side (&), Touch L heel forward to slight diagonal 11:00 (5), Replace LF next to RF (&), Cross RF over LF (6), Step LF slightly to left side (&), Touch R heel forward to slight diagonal 1:00 (7), Step RF next to LF (&), Step LF forward (8)
Body Roll Forward, Recover Back, R Scissor Step, L Scissor Step, ¼ Hinge Turn, ½ Hinge Turn
1,2,3&4Step RF forward as you begin body roll from chest down (1), Continue body down to recover weight back on LF with a R knee pop (2), (1,2 option: rock R forward recover back on L), Step RF to right (3), Step LF next to RF (&), Cross RF over LF (4)
5&6,7,8Step LF to left (5), Step RF next to LF (&), Cross LF over RF (6), Step RF to right making ¼ hinge turn counter clockwise (9:00) (7), Turn ½ counter clockwise stepping LF forward (3:00) (8)
Point Right, Point Left, Kick Forward, Sit, Walk, Walk, Run Run Run
1&2&3&4Point RF to right side (1), Replace RF next to LF (&), Point LF to left side (2), Replace LF next to RF (&), Kick low RF forward (3), Step RF next to LF (&), Sit back on RF as you touch left toe forward (heel off the floor) (4)
5,6,7&8Walk LF forward (1), Walk RF forward (2), Run step LF forward (7), Run step RF forward (&), Run step LF forward (8)
Out Out, Back, Lock, Back RLR, Back, Lock, Back LRL, Coaster Step
1,2,3&4Step RF forward out to right diagonal (1), Step LF forward to left diagonal (2), (1,2 is like the out out of a V step; for styling put hands on head on lyrics 'stop thinking bout, drinking
bout), Step RF back (3), Lock step LF over RF (&), Step RF back (4)
5&6,7&8Step LF back (5), Lock step RF over LF (&), Step LF back (6), Step RF back (7), Step LF back next to RF (&), Step RF forward (8)
TAG: After Wall 7, Facing 6:00
1,2Walk LF forward, Walk RF forward
1&2,3&4Step LF to left side (1), Twist heels to left (&), Twist heels back to center weight on RF (2), Step LF behind RF (3), Step RF to right (&), Cross LF over RF (4)
&5&6&7&8Step RF to right side (&), Touch L heel forward to slight diagonal 11:00 (5), Replace LF next to RF (&), Cross RF over LF (6), Step LF slightly to left side (&), Touch R heel forward to slight diagonal 1:00 (7), Step RF next to LF (&), Step LF forward (8)
Body Roll Forward, Recover Back, R Scissor Step, L Scissor Step, ¼ Hinge Turn, ½ Hinge Turn
1,2,3&4Step RF forward as you begin body roll from chest down (1), Continue body down to recover weight back on LF with a R knee pop (2), (1,2 option: rock R forward recover back on L), Step RF to right (3), Step LF next to RF (&), Cross RF over LF (4)
5&6,7,8Step LF to left (5), Step RF next to LF (&), Cross LF over RF (6), Step RF to right making ¼ hinge turn counter clockwise (9:00) (7), Turn ½ counter clockwise stepping LF forward (3:00) (8)
Point Right, Point Left, Kick Forward, Sit, Walk, Walk, Run Run Run
1&2&3&4Point RF to right side (1), Replace RF next to LF (&), Point LF to left side (2), Replace LF next to RF (&), Kick low RF forward (3), Step RF next to LF (&), Sit back on RF as you touch left toe forward (heel off the floor) (4)
5,6,7&8Walk LF forward (1), Walk RF forward (2), Run step LF forward (7), Run step RF forward (&), Run step LF forward (8)
Out Out, Back, Lock, Back RLR, Back, Lock, Back LRL, Coaster Step
1,2,3&4Step RF forward out to right diagonal (1), Step LF forward to left diagonal (2), (1,2 is like the out out of a V step; for styling put hands on head on lyrics 'stop thinking bout, drinking
bout), Step RF back (3), Lock step LF over RF (&), Step RF back (4)
5&6,7&8Step LF back (5), Lock step RF over LF (&), Step LF back (6), Step RF back (7), Step LF back next to RF (&), Step RF forward (8)
TAG: After Wall 7, Facing 6:00
1,2Walk LF forward, Walk RF forward