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Last Kiss

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Flo Garnier (FR) - July 2017
Last Kiss - Pearl Jam
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Dance starts quickly, right after the beginning drums. (5 Tags)

[1-8] : Step R FW, shuffle L FW, Step turn ¼ turn L, behind side cross, side rock L
1RF ahead
2&3LF ahead & RF beside LF & LF ahead
4-5RF ahead, ¼ turn on the L while recovering on the LF
6&7RF cross behind LF, LF on the L, RF cross over LF
8LF on the L

[9-16] : recover, behind L & vaudeville R, side step L, behind R & side L & vaudeville L
9recover on the RF
10&11&12LF cross behind RF & RF on the R & L heel ahead & LF beside RF & RF cross over LF
13LF on the L
14&15&16RF cross behind LF & LF on the L & R heel ahead & RF beside & LF cross over RF
Here : Tag on the 7th wall

[17-24] : pivot ¼ t R & step R FW, triple step L ½ turn R, rock step R BW, recover, anchor step R, step L BW
17¼ turn on the R with RF ahead
18&19¼ turn on the R with LF on the L, RF beside LF, ¼ turn on the R with LF behind
20-21RF behind, recover on LF
22&23RF beside LF, LF on place, RF on place
24LF behind

[25-32] : step R BW, weave, coaster step, hold
25RF behind
26-27LF cross behind RF, RF on the R,
28-29LR cross over RF, RF on the R
30&31, 32LF behind & RF beside LF & LF ahead, pause.
Here : Tag on the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 8th walls

TAG : at the end of the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 8th wall and after the 16th count of the 7th wall
[1-8] : step R FW, pivot ½ turn R & galop L BW, stomp side R, kick ball change L FW, step L FW
1RF aheasd
2&3&4¼ turn on the R with LF on the L & RF beside LF & ¼ turn on the R with LF behind & RF beside LF & LF behind
5RF stomp on the ground
6&7LF kick ahead & LF beside RF & RF on place
8LF ahead

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