CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Those Were The Nights

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Sue Ferguson (CAN) & Tracey Fiorini (CAN) - October 2019
Those Were the Nights - Hunter Brothers
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Left Lead, 16 Count Intro,

Tag (8 counts) & Restart on the 3rd wall after 16 counts

(1-8) Kick left forward, side, coaster step, sway right, recover, half turn pivot, recover
1,2,3&4Kick L forward, kick L to the side, step L behind R, step R beside L, step L forward
5,6,7,8Sway with R foot out to the side, recover on L while pivoting half turn over L shoulder, sway to the R and recover on L

(9-16) Backwards rocking chair, shuffle (cha cha) back right and left
1,2,3,4Rock back on R, recover on L, rock forward on R, recover on L
5&6, 7&8Shuffle back R,L,R and back again L,R,L

TAG: 8 Count Tag on 3rd Wall – then Restart Dance
(1-8) Lock step right, lock step left, step back on right, full turn, tap left
1&2, 3&4Step forward on R, step on L tucked in behind R, step forward on R, step forward on L, step on R tucked in behind L, step forward on L
5,6,7,8Step back on R, half turn to the left on L, half turn to the left on R, tap L
(Keep weight on R ready to Restart dance)

(17-24) Kick right forward, side, coaster step, sway left, recover, half turn pivot, recover
1,2,3&4Kick R forward, kick R to the side, step R behind L, step L beside R, step R forward
5,6,7,8Sway with L foot out to the side, recover on R while pivoting half turn over R shoulder, sway to the L and recover on R

(25-32) Backwards rocking chair, shuffle (cha cha) back left and right
1,2,3,4Rock back on L, recover on R, rock forward on L, recover on R
5&6, 7&8Shuffle back L,R,L and back again R,L,R

(33-40) Vaudeville to the right and back to the left
1,2,3&4Cross L over R, step on R, step L behind R, quick ball on R, switch to L heel
&5,67&8L foot on ball, cross R over L, step L, R behind L, quick ball on L, switch to R heel, keep weight on L

(41-48) Quarter turn to the right, full turn continues to the right, shuffle (cha cha), left jazz box
1,2,3&4Quarter turn to the right step on R, half turn over R shoulder, step on L, continue another half turn to the right, step R,L,R for shuffle (cha cha cha)
5,6,7,8Step L over R, step R back, step L to the left side, step on R beside L

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