Upper Beginner
S 1: 1/2 Turn Shuffle, Rock Back - 1/2 Turn Shuffle, Sailor
1&2-3-4Weight on L, 1/2 turn Shuffle L to face 9.00 o’clock, Rock back LR
5&6-7&8Shuffle turning 1/2 turn R to face 12.00 o'clock , Back Sailor step RLR
S 2: Step Point, Step Point, Forward Lock , Hitch
1-2-3-4Step back L, Point Right to side, Step back R Point L to side
5-6-7-8Facing 1.00 o’clock, Lock step LRL, Hitch R
{ Tip: face back to your front wall with Hitch)
*4 Count TAG (after sailor step) Step back LR , back coaster step LRL
Restart the Dance, facing 6.00 o’clock.
S 3: Turning Shuffles, Syncopated back steps
1&2&3&4Shuffle RLR turning L to 6.00 o’clock,
( Slightly more than 1/2 turn ) Shuffle LRL turning R to 3.00 o’clock - ( 3/4 turn)
&5&6Step back Right, Left Heel forward, Step L together, Touch R to Left
&7&8Step back Right, Left Heel forward, Step L together, Touch R to Left
S 4: 2 x 1/2 Monterey Turns
1-2-3-4Point Right to R side, 1/2 Turn Step together, Point L to side, step together
* 4 count Tag : Restart Dance.
Contact: cosmicountry@gmail.com
FaceBook: Cosmic Country Line Dancing
Hope you enjoy the dance: The music will take you there !
1&2-3-4Weight on L, 1/2 turn Shuffle L to face 9.00 o’clock, Rock back LR
5&6-7&8Shuffle turning 1/2 turn R to face 12.00 o'clock , Back Sailor step RLR
S 2: Step Point, Step Point, Forward Lock , Hitch
1-2-3-4Step back L, Point Right to side, Step back R Point L to side
5-6-7-8Facing 1.00 o’clock, Lock step LRL, Hitch R
{ Tip: face back to your front wall with Hitch)
*4 Count TAG (after sailor step) Step back LR , back coaster step LRL
Restart the Dance, facing 6.00 o’clock.
S 3: Turning Shuffles, Syncopated back steps
1&2&3&4Shuffle RLR turning L to 6.00 o’clock,
( Slightly more than 1/2 turn ) Shuffle LRL turning R to 3.00 o’clock - ( 3/4 turn)
&5&6Step back Right, Left Heel forward, Step L together, Touch R to Left
&7&8Step back Right, Left Heel forward, Step L together, Touch R to Left
S 4: 2 x 1/2 Monterey Turns
1-2-3-4Point Right to R side, 1/2 Turn Step together, Point L to side, step together
* 4 count Tag : Restart Dance.
Contact: cosmicountry@gmail.com
FaceBook: Cosmic Country Line Dancing
Hope you enjoy the dance: The music will take you there !