Beginner / Improver Contra
Intro: Begin with lyrics - No tags or restarts
Cross rock, recover, step (x2), turn 1/4 left and touch right side, together, touch left side, together (1-8)
1&2Step right forward and across, step left in place, step right together (Danced on balls of feet)
3&4Step left forward and across, step right in place, step left together
(1&2, 3&4 - Cross wrists in front on cross rock and pull wrists to sides at step together)
5, 6Turn 1/4 left and touch right side, step right together
(Push invisible wall to left side as you step right, bring arms back in as you step together)
7, 8Touch left side, step left together
(Push invisible wall to right side as you step left)
Step right side, together, chassé side, turn 1/4 left and rock back, recover, triple forward (9-16)
1 - 2Step right side, step left together
3&4Step right side, step left together, step right side
(1, 2, 3&4 - Hands out to side feeling for danger, release with the turn)
5 - 6Turn 1/4 left and rock left back, recover to right
7&8Step left forward, step right together, step left forward
Step forward and turn 1/2 left, step back, triple back, rock back, recover, triple forward (17-24)
1 - 2Step right forward and turn 1/2 left, step left back
3&4Step right back, step left together, step right back
5 - 6Rock left back, recover to right
7&8Step left forward, step right together, step left forward
Step diagonally forward, touch (x2), right back, left back, 1/2 twist turn (25-32)
1 - 2Big step right diagonally forward, touch left together
3 - 4Big step left diagonally forward, touch right together
5 - 6Step right back, step left back
7 - 8Cross right toe over, unwind 1/2 left
(Pose, arms and face frightened or frightening, as you unwind)
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Notes: Dance sneaky and suspicious, act frightened or frightening, and have fun!
Contact: sherrybarrett8@gmail.com
Last Update – 19 Oct. 2019
Cross rock, recover, step (x2), turn 1/4 left and touch right side, together, touch left side, together (1-8)
1&2Step right forward and across, step left in place, step right together (Danced on balls of feet)
3&4Step left forward and across, step right in place, step left together
(1&2, 3&4 - Cross wrists in front on cross rock and pull wrists to sides at step together)
5, 6Turn 1/4 left and touch right side, step right together
(Push invisible wall to left side as you step right, bring arms back in as you step together)
7, 8Touch left side, step left together
(Push invisible wall to right side as you step left)
Step right side, together, chassé side, turn 1/4 left and rock back, recover, triple forward (9-16)
1 - 2Step right side, step left together
3&4Step right side, step left together, step right side
(1, 2, 3&4 - Hands out to side feeling for danger, release with the turn)
5 - 6Turn 1/4 left and rock left back, recover to right
7&8Step left forward, step right together, step left forward
Step forward and turn 1/2 left, step back, triple back, rock back, recover, triple forward (17-24)
1 - 2Step right forward and turn 1/2 left, step left back
3&4Step right back, step left together, step right back
5 - 6Rock left back, recover to right
7&8Step left forward, step right together, step left forward
Step diagonally forward, touch (x2), right back, left back, 1/2 twist turn (25-32)
1 - 2Big step right diagonally forward, touch left together
3 - 4Big step left diagonally forward, touch right together
5 - 6Step right back, step left back
7 - 8Cross right toe over, unwind 1/2 left
(Pose, arms and face frightened or frightening, as you unwind)
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Notes: Dance sneaky and suspicious, act frightened or frightening, and have fun!
Contact: sherrybarrett8@gmail.com
Last Update – 19 Oct. 2019