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A Little Swing

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Phrased Intermediate / Advanced
Rachael McEnaney (USA) - August 2019
Little Swing (feat. Little Sis Nora) - AronChupa : (iTunes)
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Count In: Dance begins 8 counts from start of track, begin dancing on lyrics.
Notes: PHRASING A,B, A,B, B, A(12 counts), TAG 1, A(24 counts), TAG 2, B, B
A special thank you goes to my friend Emma Tornros Almlund for suggesting this music.

A [1 – 8] R side with knee pop out, knee pop in, knee pop out (weight R), L ball, R cross, V step L-R, L back, R close, L fwd
1 2 3Touch ball of R to right side as you pop R knee out [1], Pop R knee in [2], Pop R knee out as you take weight R [3] 12.00
& 4 5 6Step in place on ball of L (&), Cross R over L [4], Step L to le\ diagonal [5], Step R to right diagonal [6] 12.00
& 7 8Step L back [&], Step R next to L [7], Step L forward [8] 12.00

A [9 – 16] R fwd, 1/2 pivot turn L, R shuffle, L fwd rock, L back, hold
1 2 3 & 4Step R forward [1], Pivot 1/2 turn le\ [2], Step R forward [3], Step L next to R [&], Step R forward [4]. 6.00
5 6 7 8Rock L forward [5], Recover weight R [6], Big step back L [7], Hold as you drag R towards L (keep weight R) [8] 6.00

A [17 – 24] R ball, L fwd, R 1/4 Monterey, toe switch R, rolling vine R
& 1 2 3Step R ball next to L [&], Step L forward [1], Point R to right side [2], Make 1/4 turn right stepping R next to L [3], 9.00
4 & 5 6Point L to L side [4], Step L next to R [&], Point R to right side [5], Make 1/4 turn right stepping forward R [6] 12.00
7 8Make 1/2 turn right stepping back L [7], Make 1/4 turn right stepping R to right side [8]
TAG 2 9.00

A [25 – 32] L jazz box with 1/4 turn L, out-out L-R, Clap, Thigh slaps R-L, Snap fingers, L close as you hitch R to diagonal
1 2 3 4Cross L over R [1], Make 1/8 turn le\ stepping R back [2], Make 1/8 turn left stepping L to le\ [3], Step R forward [4] 6.00
& 5 a 6Step L to le\ diagonal [&], Step R to right side (feet shoulder width apart) [5], Clap hands [a], Slap R thigh with R hand [6] 6.00
& 7 8Slap L thigh with L hand [&], snap fingers on both hands [7], Step L next to right as you hitch R knee to right diagonal [8] 7.30

B [1 – 8] Charleston: R fwd, L touch, L back, R touch. R fwd, L hitch with hop, L back- R side-L fwd (1/4 turn right)
1 2 3 4Step R forward [1], Touch L toe forward [2], Step L back [3], Touch R toe back [4] 7.30
5 6Step R forward [5], Hitch L knee as you hop of R foot (hop can be option) [6] 7.30
7 & 8Step L back [7], Make 1/8 turn right stepping R to right side [&], Make 1/8 turn right stepping forward L [8] 10.30

B [9 – 16] REPEAT B [1-8] 1.30

B [17 – 24] R Dorothy, L Dorothy, R fwd rock, R chasse (extended into next 8)
1 2 &3 4Step R to right diagonal [1], Lock L behind R [2], step R to right diagonal [&], Step L to le\ diagonal [3], Lock R behind L [4] 1.30
& 5 6Step L to le\ diagonal [&], Rock R forward [5] Recover weight L [6] 1.30
7 & 8Make 1/8 turn right stepping R to right side [7], Step L next to R [&], Step R to right side [8] 3.00

B [25 – 32] L close, R side rock, R cross, L side, R heel, R ball, L fwd rock, L back, 1/8 turn R side, L cross
& 1 2Step L next to R [&] Rock R to right [1], recover weight L [2] 3.00
3 & 4Cross R over L [3], Step L to le\ side [&] Touch R heel to right diagonal (body facing 4.30) [4] 4.30
& 5 6Step in place on ball of R [&], Rock L forward [5], Recover weight R [6] 4.30
7 & 8Step back L [7] Make 1/8 turn right stepping R to right side [&], Cross L over R [8] 6.00


TAG 1: The 3rd (me you dance part A (music changes you will hear it), dance the first 12 counts of the tag - up to the shuffle.
The shuffle will actually slow down, after the shuffle you will do the steps below…. Please note the count is VERY rough as there is no beat at all and just a vocal which is at a complete different tempo to the dance, I have added the lyric it will hit.
“There’s a place for you my friend, there’s a way for you my friend. Just, show, her, some…”
5 6 7 8Make 1/2 turn right stepping back L [5], make 1/2 turn right stepping forward R [6], point L to left side [7], hold (long) [8] 6.00
& 1 2Step L to left side [& “there’s a”], cross rock R over L [1 “place], recover weight L [2 “you”], step R to right side 6.00
& 3 4Step R to right side [& “my”], cross rock L over R [3 “friend”], hold [4] 6.00
& 5 6Recover weight R [& “there’s a”], step L to left side [5 “way”], cross R over L [6 “you”] 6.00
& 7 8Step L to left side [& “my”], cross R behind L as you sweep L [7 “friend”], hold continue sweeping L [8] 6.00
1 2 3Cross L behind R [1], unwind a full turn left keeping weight L [2,3] There are no lyrics during these 3 ISH counts 6.00
4Step R to right side (feet shoulder width apart weight on both feet) [4 “Just”] 6.00
5 6Take R hand forward and up above head, fingers spread palms facing up [5 “Show”], Repeat with L hand [6 “Her”] 6.00
7 8Bring both arms down slowly closing fists [7,8 “Some”] 6.00

PART A On the word “Swing” the beat kicks back in for you to dance part A - into Tag 2.

TAG 2:
After Tag 1 you will go into Part A facing the back, you will hear the music building up to something. Dance the first 24 counts of Part A, this will take you up to and include the rolling vine right (just before the L jazz box). Add the following counts below and then continue with part B twice.
Again the counts are very ‘ish’, you really have to listen to the music.
1 2 3Cross L over R [1], Make 1/8 turn le\ stepping R back [2], Make 1/8 turn le\ stepping L to le\ [3] 12.00
4 5 6 7Cross R over L [4], unwind a full turn le\ slowly with knees slightly bent [5, 6, 7] 12.00
8 1 2Step R a big step to right side [8] slowly drag L towards R (weight remains R) [1, 2], drop head down looking at floor [3] 12.00
3 4Drop head down looking at floor [3] 12.00
These last 4 counts are the last 4 counts of Part A
& 5 a 6Step L to left diagonal [&], Step R to right side (feet shoulder width apart) [5], Clap hands [a], Slap R thigh with R hand [6] 12.00
& 7 8Step L thigh with L hand [&], snap fingers on both hands [7], Step L next to right as you hitch R knee to right diagonal [8] 12.00
Continue with Part B twice.

Ending: For a cool finish, a7er doing part B twice, take R foot out to right side as if to do the knee pops of part A and just continue doing knee pops in and out to the ending few beats. 12.00

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