CopperKnob Stepsheets

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French Language German Language Chinese Simplified Language Chinese Traditional Language English Language

Dream Glow

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Phrased Intermediate
Jaclyn Chiew - September 2019
**Thanks to my daughter Amanda introducing this song to me**
Intro: 16 counts (start on Lyrics)

Sequence: A1A2,BB,A1A2,BB,A2,BB,BB

Part A1
AS1: Fwd, Tap, Back, Kick, Rock Back, Recover, fwd, ¼ turn L
1-2-3-4Step R fwd, tap L toe behind R, step L back, Kick R fwd
5-6-7-8Step R back rock, step L recover, step R fwd, ¼ turn left (9:00)

AS2: Walk, Walk, Fwd Shuffle, Fwd, pivot ½ , fwd shuffle
1-2-3&4(Diagonally) Step R fwd, step L fwd, step R fwd, step L next R, step R fwd (7:30)
5-6-7&8step L fwd, pivot ½ turn right, step L fwd, step R next L, step L fwd (1:30)

AS3: Cross, Back Side, Cross Back Side, Swivel
1-2-3Cross R over L, Step back L, Step R to R side
4-5-6Cross L over R, Step back R, Step L to L side (about shoulder width apart)
7-8(Weight on ball of R foot, Heel of L foot) Swivel heels to R/ Toes to L, Return feet to center

AS4: Step Lock Step Brush, Step ½ turn Fwd Brush
1-2-3-4Step R fwd, Lock L behind R, Step R fwd,brush L fwd
5-6-7-8Step L fwd, pivot ½ turn R, step L fwd, R brush

Part A2
AS5: Side drag back rock recover, Side drag back rock recover
1-2-3-4Step R to R side, Drag L slowly behind, L rock back, R recover
5-6-7-8Step L to L side, Drag R slowly behind, R rock back, L recover

AS6: Fwd sweep fwd sweep fwd ½ turn fwd sweep
1-2-3-4Step R Fwd, L sweep fwd, step L fwd, R sweep fwd
5-6-7-8step R fwd, pivot ½ turn L, step R fwd, L sweep fwd

AS7: Cross Side Behind Sweep Behind Side Cross Sweep
1-2-3-4Step L cross over R, step R to R side, step L behind R, sweep R ½ circle
5-6-7-8R step behind L, step L to L side, cross R over L, L sweep ½ circle

AS8: Step Lock Step Brush, Jazz box with cross
1-2-3-4Step L fwd, Lock R behind L, Step L fwd, R brush fwd
5-6-7-8Cross R over L, step L back, step R to R side, cross L over R

Part B:
BS1: Fwd Kick Step Touch, vine to R with touch
1-2-3-4Step R fwd, Kick L fwd, step L down, touch R next to L
5-6-7-8step R to R side, step L behind R, step R to R side, touch L next to R

BS2: Vine to L with touch, Jazz box ¼ turn
1-2-3-4step L to L side, step R behind L, step L to L side, touch R next to L
5-6-7-8Cross R over L, step L back, ¼ turn R step R fwd, touch L next to R

BS3: Side rock, Recover, Cross hold and cross hold, Side rock Recover
1-2-3 4Rock R to R side, step L recover, cross R in front of L hold
5 6- 7-8step L to L side, cross R in front of L hold. Rock L to L side, R recover

BS4: Cross hold and cross hold and cross hold side rock recover
1 2-3hold4 cross L in front of R hold, step R to R side(3) cross L in front of R hold
5 6-7-8cross L in front of R hold rock R to R side, L recover


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