CopperKnob Stepsheets

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I Need This

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Lucy Cooper (UK) - September 2019
Need This - Zac Brown Band
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Intro: 16 counts (Start on vocals)

Dorothy steps, Step, ½ Pivot, Kick ball step
1 2&Step right diagonally forward, lock left behind, step right diagonally forward
3 4&Step left diagonally forward, lock right behind, step left diagonally forward
5 6Step right forward, pivot ½ left ending with weight on the left (6.00)
7&8Kick the right forward, step right together, step left forward

Walk, Walk, Shuffle, Rock, Recover, Out Out, Heel bounce
1 2Walk right forward, walk left forward
3&4Step right forward, bring the left in, step right forward
5 6Rock forward onto the left, recover onto the right
&7Step left apart, step right apart
&8Raise both heels off the floor popping knees forward, bring heels down

Crossing toe-strut, Side toe-strut, Rocking chair to diagonal
1 2Cross right toe in front of left, drop the heel
3 4Step left toe to left side, drop the heel
5 6Cross rock right in front of left, recover onto left
7 8Rock right back to right diagonal, recover onto left

Jazz box ¼ turn R, Jazz box ¼ turn R,
1 2Cross right over left, step back on left
3 4Step right to side turning ¼ right, step left forward (9.00)
5 6Cross right over left, step back on left
7 8Step right to side turning ¼ right, step left forward (12.00)

Big step, Hitch, Stomp, Stomp, Heel switches R L
1 2Big step forward on the right, lift left knee forward into a hitch
3 4Stomp left to side, stomp right to side
5 6Swivel left to right diagonal and touch the right heel to right diagonal, swivel both feet back to face forward
7 8Swivel right to left diagonal and touch the left heel to left diagonal, swivel both feet back to face forward

Weave with a full turn (figure of 8), Step ¼ left
1 2Step right to right side, cross left behind right
3 4 5Step right forward turning ¼ right, step left forward pivoting ½ right ending with weight on the right foot (9.00)
6 7 8Step left to side turning ¼ right (12.00), cross right behind, step forward on the left turning ¼ left (9.00)

Step, L Toe Heel Cross, R Toe Heel Toe Cross, Step back
1 2Step right forward, touch left toe next to right whilst swivelling right toe right
3 4Touch left heel to left diagonal swivelling right toe left, cross left in front of right
5 6Touch right toe next to left swivelling left toe to left, touch right heel to right diagonal, swivelling left toe to right
7 8Cross right in front of left, step back on left

Step back, Point, Sailor Step, Step, Touch, Step, Touch
1 2Step back on the right, point left to side
3&4Cross left behind right, step right to side, step left to side
5 6Step right to the side swaying hips right, touch left toe to left diagonal
7&8Step left to the side swaying hips left, touch right toe to right diagonal

Begin again.

*TAG: At the end of the second wall facing 6.00, there is an 8 count tag, then restart the dance
Rock forward, rock side, rock back, rock side
1 2Rock forward on the right, recover left
3 4Rock right to side, recover left
5 6Rock right behind, recover left
7 8Rock right to side, recover left

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