Start after 28 count
Walk Forward (R-L-R), Touch, Walk Backward (L-R-L), Touch
1-2-3-4Step forward (R-L-R), touch left heel forward
5-6-7-8Step backward (L-R-L), touch right toe beside L
Out, Touch, Out, Touch, V Steps(Out-Out-In-In)
1-2-3-4Step R to side, touch L behind R, step L to side, touch R behind L
*Restart 3rd wall (6:00), 9th wall (6:00)
5-6-7-8Step R to right side, step L to left side, step R together L, step L together R
*Restart 9th wall (12:00)
1/4 Turn right, Walk Forward (R-L-R), Hold and Clap twice, 1/2 Turn left, Walk Forward ( L-R-L), hold and clap twice (9:00)
1-2-3&41/4 turn right, walk forward (R-L-R), hold and clap twice (3:00)
5-6-7&81/2 turn left, walk forward (L-R-L), hold and clap twice (9:00)
Kick, Step, Back, Kick, Step, Back, 1/4 Turn left 4times (9:00)
1&2-3&4kick R forward, step R together L, touch L toe back, kick L forward, step L together R, touch R toe back
5-6-7-8Hitch R, 1/4 turn left and touch R toe to right, 4times (9:00)
*3rd wall after 12count (6:00)
*6th wall after 16count (12:00)
*9th wall after 12count (6:00)
Walk Forward (R-L-R), Touch, Walk Backward (L-R-L), Touch
1-2-3-4Step forward (R-L-R), touch left heel forward
5-6-7-8Step backward (L-R-L), touch right toe beside L
Out, Touch, Out, Touch, V Steps(Out-Out-In-In)
1-2-3-4Step R to side, touch L behind R, step L to side, touch R behind L
*Restart 3rd wall (6:00), 9th wall (6:00)
5-6-7-8Step R to right side, step L to left side, step R together L, step L together R
*Restart 9th wall (12:00)
1/4 Turn right, Walk Forward (R-L-R), Hold and Clap twice, 1/2 Turn left, Walk Forward ( L-R-L), hold and clap twice (9:00)
1-2-3&41/4 turn right, walk forward (R-L-R), hold and clap twice (3:00)
5-6-7&81/2 turn left, walk forward (L-R-L), hold and clap twice (9:00)
Kick, Step, Back, Kick, Step, Back, 1/4 Turn left 4times (9:00)
1&2-3&4kick R forward, step R together L, touch L toe back, kick L forward, step L together R, touch R toe back
5-6-7-8Hitch R, 1/4 turn left and touch R toe to right, 4times (9:00)
*3rd wall after 12count (6:00)
*6th wall after 16count (12:00)
*9th wall after 12count (6:00)