Start on 16 count intro when the beat kicks in (approx. 13 secs coming in on the word ‘like’ when they sing ‘sometimes her jacket smells like cigarettes’) – 3mins 35secs – 110bpm
Music Available: Amazon
[1-9] R side, L back rock/recover, L chassé, R rock back/recover, R chassé with ¼ R
1-3Step R side, rock L back, recover weight on R
4&5Step L side, step R together, step L side
6-7Rock R back, recover weight on L side
8&1Step R side, step L together, turning ¼ right step R forward (3 o’clock)
RESTART: During WALL 6 which starts facing L side wall dance the first 8& counts & step R to right side to restart the dance facing L side wall
[10-17] L fwd, ½ R pivot turn, L fwd shuffle, R fwd, L side point, L cross shuffle
2-3Step L forward, pivot ½ right (9 o’clock)
4&5Step L forward, step R together, step L forward
6-7Step R forward, point L side
8&1Cross step L over R, step R side, cross step L over R
[18-25] R side point, R cross step, L syncopated box fwd, R side, L together, R coaster step
2-3Point R side, cross step R over L
4&5Step L side, step R together, step L forward
6-7Step R side, step L together
8&1Step R back, step L together, step R forward
RESTART: During WALL 3 which starts facing back wall dance first 24& counts and step R side to restart the dance facing R side wall
[26-33] L fwd, ¼ R pivot turn, L cross shuffle, ¾ L hinge, R shuffle fwd
2-3Step L forward, pivot ¼ right (12 o’clock)
4&5Cross step L over R, step R to right side, cross step L over R
6-7Turning ¼ left step R back, turning ½ left step L forward (3 o’clock)
8&1Step R forward, step L together, step R forward
[34-41] L fwd rock/recover, L coaster step, R fwd, ½ L pivot turn, R shuffle fwd
2-3Rock L forward, recover weight on R
4&5Step L back, step R together, step L forward
6-7Step R forward, pivot ½ left (9 o’clock)
8&1Step R forward, step L together, step R forward
[42-48] L side rock/recover, ¼ L toaster step, R fwd, ½ L pivot turn, ¼ L, R side, L tog (1st 2 steps of a chassé)
2-3Rock L side, recover weight on R
4&5Turning ¼ left step L back, step R together, step L forward (6 o’clock)
6-7Step R forward, pivot ½ left (12 o’clock)
8&Turning ¼ left step R side, step L together (9 o’clock)
ENDING: WALL 9 facing R side wall, dance first 31 counts cross R over L, unwind ½ left to finish facing front wall!
Tel: 01462 735778 Email: info@thedancefactoryuk.co.uk Website: www.thedancefactoryuk.co.uk
** Please Note: we like to check and approve all Videos of our dances before they are linked to this site.- A&P
Music Available: Amazon
[1-9] R side, L back rock/recover, L chassé, R rock back/recover, R chassé with ¼ R
1-3Step R side, rock L back, recover weight on R
4&5Step L side, step R together, step L side
6-7Rock R back, recover weight on L side
8&1Step R side, step L together, turning ¼ right step R forward (3 o’clock)
RESTART: During WALL 6 which starts facing L side wall dance the first 8& counts & step R to right side to restart the dance facing L side wall
[10-17] L fwd, ½ R pivot turn, L fwd shuffle, R fwd, L side point, L cross shuffle
2-3Step L forward, pivot ½ right (9 o’clock)
4&5Step L forward, step R together, step L forward
6-7Step R forward, point L side
8&1Cross step L over R, step R side, cross step L over R
[18-25] R side point, R cross step, L syncopated box fwd, R side, L together, R coaster step
2-3Point R side, cross step R over L
4&5Step L side, step R together, step L forward
6-7Step R side, step L together
8&1Step R back, step L together, step R forward
RESTART: During WALL 3 which starts facing back wall dance first 24& counts and step R side to restart the dance facing R side wall
[26-33] L fwd, ¼ R pivot turn, L cross shuffle, ¾ L hinge, R shuffle fwd
2-3Step L forward, pivot ¼ right (12 o’clock)
4&5Cross step L over R, step R to right side, cross step L over R
6-7Turning ¼ left step R back, turning ½ left step L forward (3 o’clock)
8&1Step R forward, step L together, step R forward
[34-41] L fwd rock/recover, L coaster step, R fwd, ½ L pivot turn, R shuffle fwd
2-3Rock L forward, recover weight on R
4&5Step L back, step R together, step L forward
6-7Step R forward, pivot ½ left (9 o’clock)
8&1Step R forward, step L together, step R forward
[42-48] L side rock/recover, ¼ L toaster step, R fwd, ½ L pivot turn, ¼ L, R side, L tog (1st 2 steps of a chassé)
2-3Rock L side, recover weight on R
4&5Turning ¼ left step L back, step R together, step L forward (6 o’clock)
6-7Step R forward, pivot ½ left (12 o’clock)
8&Turning ¼ left step R side, step L together (9 o’clock)
ENDING: WALL 9 facing R side wall, dance first 31 counts cross R over L, unwind ½ left to finish facing front wall!
Tel: 01462 735778 Email: info@thedancefactoryuk.co.uk Website: www.thedancefactoryuk.co.uk
** Please Note: we like to check and approve all Videos of our dances before they are linked to this site.- A&P