Starts after 8 counts (on the word: „Song“)
Section 1: ½ MamboTurn r, Hold, ¼-StepTurn r, Cross, Hitch
1, 2RF Step forward, Recover on LF
3, 4½-Turn right with RF Step forward, Hold 6
5, 6LF Step forward, pivot ¼-Turn right 9
7, 8Cross LF over RF, hitch R Knee up slightly
Section 2: Cross, Side, Behind, ¼-Turn l Step, ½-StepTurn l, Side, Hook behind
1, 2Cross RF over LF, LF Step to left side
3, 4Cross RF behind LF, ¼-Turn left with LF Step forward 6
5, 6RF Step forward, pivot ½-Turn left 12
7, 8RF Step to right side, hooking LF behind RShin
Here Restart in round 5 (12 o‘clock) with Stepchange:
7, 8dance Side Rock (instead Side Touch)
Section 3 : Side, Touch, Grapevine with Scuff, Side, Behind
1, 2LF Step to left side, touch RF next to LF
3, 4RF Step to right side, Cross LF behind RF
5, 6RF Step to right side, scuff LF forward
7, 8LF Step to left side, cross RF behind LF
Section 4: ¼-Turn l Step, ¼-Turn l with Hitch, Grapevine with Scuff, Side, Touch
1, 2¼-Turn left with LF Step forward, ¼-Turn left with hitch RKnee up slightly 6
3, 4RF Step to right side, cross LF behind RF
5, 6RF Step to right side, scuff LF forward
7, 8LF Step to left side, touch RF next to LF
Section 5: ¼-Turn r ToeStrut, ½-StepTurn r, Step-Lock-Step, Scuff
1, 2¼-Turn right with tap RToe forward, step down RF 9
3, 4LF Step forward, pivot ½-Turn right 3
5, 6LF Step forward, lock RF behind LF
7, 8LF Step forward, scuff RF forward
Section 6 : 3/4-Turn l with Weave (Cross, Side, Behind, Side, Cross, Side, Behind, Side)
(1 – 8 A total of ¾-Turn left with Weave: we dance around in a circle on the left:)
1, 2Cross RF over LF, LF Step to left side
3, 4Cross RF behind LF, LF Step to left side
5, 6Cross RF over LF, LF Step to left side
7, 8Cross RF behind LF, LF Step to left side 6
Section 7: Rocking Chair, Fullturn l with ½-Turn back-½-Turn forw., Step, Touch
1, 2RF Step forward, recover weight to LF
3, 4RF Step back, recover weight to LF
5, 6½-Turn left with RF back, ½-Turn left with LF forward 6
7, 8RF Step forward, tap LF next to RF
Section 8: Back, Touch, Side, Hook behind, Side, Together, Step, Scuff
1, 2LF Step back, tap RF next to LF
3, 4RF Step to right side, hooking LF behind RShin
5, 6LF Step to left side, put RF next to LF
7, 8LF Step forward, scuff RF forward
sandra.schuler68@gmx.ch - www.linedancechoreossandraschuler.jimdo.com
Section 1: ½ MamboTurn r, Hold, ¼-StepTurn r, Cross, Hitch
1, 2RF Step forward, Recover on LF
3, 4½-Turn right with RF Step forward, Hold 6
5, 6LF Step forward, pivot ¼-Turn right 9
7, 8Cross LF over RF, hitch R Knee up slightly
Section 2: Cross, Side, Behind, ¼-Turn l Step, ½-StepTurn l, Side, Hook behind
1, 2Cross RF over LF, LF Step to left side
3, 4Cross RF behind LF, ¼-Turn left with LF Step forward 6
5, 6RF Step forward, pivot ½-Turn left 12
7, 8RF Step to right side, hooking LF behind RShin
Here Restart in round 5 (12 o‘clock) with Stepchange:
7, 8dance Side Rock (instead Side Touch)
Section 3 : Side, Touch, Grapevine with Scuff, Side, Behind
1, 2LF Step to left side, touch RF next to LF
3, 4RF Step to right side, Cross LF behind RF
5, 6RF Step to right side, scuff LF forward
7, 8LF Step to left side, cross RF behind LF
Section 4: ¼-Turn l Step, ¼-Turn l with Hitch, Grapevine with Scuff, Side, Touch
1, 2¼-Turn left with LF Step forward, ¼-Turn left with hitch RKnee up slightly 6
3, 4RF Step to right side, cross LF behind RF
5, 6RF Step to right side, scuff LF forward
7, 8LF Step to left side, touch RF next to LF
Section 5: ¼-Turn r ToeStrut, ½-StepTurn r, Step-Lock-Step, Scuff
1, 2¼-Turn right with tap RToe forward, step down RF 9
3, 4LF Step forward, pivot ½-Turn right 3
5, 6LF Step forward, lock RF behind LF
7, 8LF Step forward, scuff RF forward
Section 6 : 3/4-Turn l with Weave (Cross, Side, Behind, Side, Cross, Side, Behind, Side)
(1 – 8 A total of ¾-Turn left with Weave: we dance around in a circle on the left:)
1, 2Cross RF over LF, LF Step to left side
3, 4Cross RF behind LF, LF Step to left side
5, 6Cross RF over LF, LF Step to left side
7, 8Cross RF behind LF, LF Step to left side 6
Section 7: Rocking Chair, Fullturn l with ½-Turn back-½-Turn forw., Step, Touch
1, 2RF Step forward, recover weight to LF
3, 4RF Step back, recover weight to LF
5, 6½-Turn left with RF back, ½-Turn left with LF forward 6
7, 8RF Step forward, tap LF next to RF
Section 8: Back, Touch, Side, Hook behind, Side, Together, Step, Scuff
1, 2LF Step back, tap RF next to LF
3, 4RF Step to right side, hooking LF behind RShin
5, 6LF Step to left side, put RF next to LF
7, 8LF Step forward, scuff RF forward
sandra.schuler68@gmx.ch - www.linedancechoreossandraschuler.jimdo.com