1-2-3&4Walk fwd R then L, Fwd R coaster Step (R, L, R)
5-6-7&8Walk back L, then R, Back L coaster step (L, R, L)
1&2Rock R to R side, Replace on L, Cross step R over L
3&4Rock L to L side, Replace on R, Cross-step L over R
5-6Step R fwd to R diagonal, Touch L beside R
7-8Step L fwd on L diagonal, Touch R beside L
1-2-3&4Step R to R, Step L behind R, Kick R to R diagonal, Ball, Cross (R, L)
5-6-7&8Rock R to R side, Replace on L, Cross Shuffle(R, L, R) to L side
1-8Repeat last 8 counts to L side starting with L foot lead
1-2-3-4To R diagonal- Walk fwd R, L, R, Hitch L knee
5-6-7-8Walk back L, R, L touch R behind L
1-2-3-4Vine R (R, L, R), Hitch L knee
5-6-7-8Vine L (L, R, L), Touch R beside L
1-2Touch R toe to R side, Turn ¼ R stepping R beside L
3-4Touch L toe to L side, Step L beside R (1-4 is a Monterey ¼ turn)
5-6-7-8Step R across L, Step L back, Step R to R, Touch L beside R
1-2-3-4Step L to L, Kick R across L, Step R to R, Touch L beside R
5-6-7-8Rolling Vine L stepping L, R, L, Touch R beside L
Restarts: There are 4. Restart each time the Chorus is sung.
i.e At the end of Walls 2, 4, 6, 8. This makes the dance more interesting.
Tag: At the end of Wall 9 there is an 8 count tag
1-2-3-4Walk fwd R, L, R, Pivot ½ turn L onto L
Northside Linedancers - www.northsidelinedancers.com
Phone: 9489 2367 - Mob: 0424 536 907- E mail: carl@hotkey.net.au
1-2-3&4Walk fwd R then L, Fwd R coaster Step (R, L, R)
5-6-7&8Walk back L, then R, Back L coaster step (L, R, L)
1&2Rock R to R side, Replace on L, Cross step R over L
3&4Rock L to L side, Replace on R, Cross-step L over R
5-6Step R fwd to R diagonal, Touch L beside R
7-8Step L fwd on L diagonal, Touch R beside L
1-2-3&4Step R to R, Step L behind R, Kick R to R diagonal, Ball, Cross (R, L)
5-6-7&8Rock R to R side, Replace on L, Cross Shuffle(R, L, R) to L side
1-8Repeat last 8 counts to L side starting with L foot lead
1-2-3-4To R diagonal- Walk fwd R, L, R, Hitch L knee
5-6-7-8Walk back L, R, L touch R behind L
1-2-3-4Vine R (R, L, R), Hitch L knee
5-6-7-8Vine L (L, R, L), Touch R beside L
1-2Touch R toe to R side, Turn ¼ R stepping R beside L
3-4Touch L toe to L side, Step L beside R (1-4 is a Monterey ¼ turn)
5-6-7-8Step R across L, Step L back, Step R to R, Touch L beside R
1-2-3-4Step L to L, Kick R across L, Step R to R, Touch L beside R
5-6-7-8Rolling Vine L stepping L, R, L, Touch R beside L
Restarts: There are 4. Restart each time the Chorus is sung.
i.e At the end of Walls 2, 4, 6, 8. This makes the dance more interesting.
Tag: At the end of Wall 9 there is an 8 count tag
1-2-3-4Walk fwd R, L, R, Pivot ½ turn L onto L
Northside Linedancers - www.northsidelinedancers.com
Phone: 9489 2367 - Mob: 0424 536 907- E mail: carl@hotkey.net.au