Easy Intermediate
Section 1. R Diagonal R&L Toe-Heel struts Side rock recover touch x2
1&2&Touch R toe to R Diagonal R Heel down, touch L toe across R, L heel down.
3&4Rock /R out to R ,recover on L, touch R by L. weight on R
Section 2. Grapevine ¼ turn R. L rock ¼ Cross R, Grapevine ¼ R, Step ½ turn step R.
1&2Grapevine ¼ turn R= Step R to R side, L behind R ,step forward on R as you make ¼ turn R
3&4Forward on L as you make a ¼ turn R to R cross L over R.
5&6Grapevine ¼ turn R= Step R to R L behind R forward on R, as you make ¼ turn R.
7&8Step forward on L make pivot ½ turn R as you step forward on L. Step change Re-start wall 2
Section 3. Triple Full turn L, Full L Forward Rumba ,Full turn L
1&2Triple full turn L = Make ½ L as you step back on R, make ½ turn forward on L ,step forward on R.
3&4Step L to L side ,R together with L, step forward on L
5&6Step R to R side L together with R,step back on R.
7-8Make full turn,step forward on L as you make ½ turn L, step back on R as you make ½ turn L. 3 clock
Section 4. L sailor ¼ turn L, Grapevine ¼ turn, Rock and cross ¼ turn R.
1&2L Sailor step¼ turn L, L behind R, R to R recover weight on side L 12 clock
3&4Step R to R, L behind R ,R forward as you make ¼ turn R 3 clock
5&6Step forward on L ,pivot ¼ turn R, cross L over R.
7&8&R side Weave, R to R side, L behind, R to R, cross L over R .( weight on L ) 6 clock
One Re Start with step change.
Wall 2, section 2, count 7&8 . Make ¼ turn R, ( REPLACING 1/2 TURN)
counts 7&8, step forward on L pivot ¼ turn R crossing L over R. ( restart facing 6 clock )
Choreographed by The 2 J's
enjoy xx
Submitted by - Julie Carr: jucol1950@talktalk.net
1&2&Touch R toe to R Diagonal R Heel down, touch L toe across R, L heel down.
3&4Rock /R out to R ,recover on L, touch R by L. weight on R
Section 2. Grapevine ¼ turn R. L rock ¼ Cross R, Grapevine ¼ R, Step ½ turn step R.
1&2Grapevine ¼ turn R= Step R to R side, L behind R ,step forward on R as you make ¼ turn R
3&4Forward on L as you make a ¼ turn R to R cross L over R.
5&6Grapevine ¼ turn R= Step R to R L behind R forward on R, as you make ¼ turn R.
7&8Step forward on L make pivot ½ turn R as you step forward on L. Step change Re-start wall 2
Section 3. Triple Full turn L, Full L Forward Rumba ,Full turn L
1&2Triple full turn L = Make ½ L as you step back on R, make ½ turn forward on L ,step forward on R.
3&4Step L to L side ,R together with L, step forward on L
5&6Step R to R side L together with R,step back on R.
7-8Make full turn,step forward on L as you make ½ turn L, step back on R as you make ½ turn L. 3 clock
Section 4. L sailor ¼ turn L, Grapevine ¼ turn, Rock and cross ¼ turn R.
1&2L Sailor step¼ turn L, L behind R, R to R recover weight on side L 12 clock
3&4Step R to R, L behind R ,R forward as you make ¼ turn R 3 clock
5&6Step forward on L ,pivot ¼ turn R, cross L over R.
7&8&R side Weave, R to R side, L behind, R to R, cross L over R .( weight on L ) 6 clock
One Re Start with step change.
Wall 2, section 2, count 7&8 . Make ¼ turn R, ( REPLACING 1/2 TURN)
counts 7&8, step forward on L pivot ¼ turn R crossing L over R. ( restart facing 6 clock )
Choreographed by The 2 J's
enjoy xx
Submitted by - Julie Carr: jucol1950@talktalk.net