High Beginner Contra Line
(1st 8 counts)
Right step together 2X, Left step together 2X. K Step
1&2&Right foot out to the right, left foot next to right, right foot out, left next to right
3&4&Left foot out to the left, right foot next to left, left foot out, right foot next to left
5&Right foot to front right corner, left foot touch next to right
6&Left foot return to center, right foot touch next to left foot
7&Right foot to rear right corner, left foot touch next to right
8&Left foot return to center, right foot touch next to left foot.
(2nd 8 counts)
Right step in front of left, left hitch into reverse 3/4 turn, Right Boot cross touch with partner, left boot cross touch with partner. Right step in front of left, left hitch into reverse 3/4 turn, right heel forward then return, left heel forward then return.
1&2&Right foot step in front of left, toward left oblique corner, left hitch into reverse 3/4 turn
transferring weight to left foot as you land. (facing contra line partner)
3&4&Right Knock Boot with partner, return, Left Knock Boot with partner, return.
5&6&Right foot step in front of left toward left oblique corner, left hitch into reverse 3/4 turn
transferring weight to left foot as you land. (facing contra line partner)
7&8&Right heel forward then return, Left heel forward then return.
Repeat, and enjoy knockin' boots in this contra line dance.
Note: The reverse 3/4 turn will have you knocking boots with your partner facing the side walls. It is easiest to move into this position if your right foot steps forward to the left of your partner, before your left hitch. This song is a favorite of the Line Dance Chicago group and has numerous videos on the Line Dance Chicago facebook page for you to watch.
Please feel free to share your own videos and thoughts of this contra line dance.
Thank You, Cowboy Steve. Please post more videos and let me know if you enjoy this fun conta line dance!
Right step together 2X, Left step together 2X. K Step
1&2&Right foot out to the right, left foot next to right, right foot out, left next to right
3&4&Left foot out to the left, right foot next to left, left foot out, right foot next to left
5&Right foot to front right corner, left foot touch next to right
6&Left foot return to center, right foot touch next to left foot
7&Right foot to rear right corner, left foot touch next to right
8&Left foot return to center, right foot touch next to left foot.
(2nd 8 counts)
Right step in front of left, left hitch into reverse 3/4 turn, Right Boot cross touch with partner, left boot cross touch with partner. Right step in front of left, left hitch into reverse 3/4 turn, right heel forward then return, left heel forward then return.
1&2&Right foot step in front of left, toward left oblique corner, left hitch into reverse 3/4 turn
transferring weight to left foot as you land. (facing contra line partner)
3&4&Right Knock Boot with partner, return, Left Knock Boot with partner, return.
5&6&Right foot step in front of left toward left oblique corner, left hitch into reverse 3/4 turn
transferring weight to left foot as you land. (facing contra line partner)
7&8&Right heel forward then return, Left heel forward then return.
Repeat, and enjoy knockin' boots in this contra line dance.
Note: The reverse 3/4 turn will have you knocking boots with your partner facing the side walls. It is easiest to move into this position if your right foot steps forward to the left of your partner, before your left hitch. This song is a favorite of the Line Dance Chicago group and has numerous videos on the Line Dance Chicago facebook page for you to watch.
Please feel free to share your own videos and thoughts of this contra line dance.
Thank You, Cowboy Steve. Please post more videos and let me know if you enjoy this fun conta line dance!