S1. 1/8 turn R forward diagonally,lock shuffle, ¼ turn L forward diagonally, lock shuffle
1-21/8 turn R forward diagonally, step L lock diagonally behind R
3&4step R forward diagonally,step L lock diagonally behind R, step R forward diagonally
5-6¼ turn L forward diagonally, step R lock diagonally behind L
7&8step L forward diagonally, step R lock diagonally behind L, step L forward diagonally
S2. Step forward, touch, pivot ½ turn L,pivot ¼ turn
1-2step R forward , touch L forward
3-4step L back,touch R back
5-6step R forward pivot ½ turn L (06.00), stepping L in place
7-8step R forward pivot ¼ turn L (03.00), stepping L in place
S3. Jazz box, kick ball step (2x)
1-2cross R over L, step back on L
3-4Step R to R side,Step L cross over R
5&6Kick R forward, Step R in place, Step L in place
7&8Kick R forward, Step R in place,Step L in place
S4. Side recover, behind side, cross, sailor step
1-2Step R to R side, recover on L
3&4Step R cross behind L, Step L to L side, Cross R over L
5-6Step L to L side, recover on Ri
7&8½ turn L back with sweep (09.00), Stepping R next to L, Step L cross over R
Enjoy n have fun, you can contact me at yuliedama4627@gmail.com
1-21/8 turn R forward diagonally, step L lock diagonally behind R
3&4step R forward diagonally,step L lock diagonally behind R, step R forward diagonally
5-6¼ turn L forward diagonally, step R lock diagonally behind L
7&8step L forward diagonally, step R lock diagonally behind L, step L forward diagonally
S2. Step forward, touch, pivot ½ turn L,pivot ¼ turn
1-2step R forward , touch L forward
3-4step L back,touch R back
5-6step R forward pivot ½ turn L (06.00), stepping L in place
7-8step R forward pivot ¼ turn L (03.00), stepping L in place
S3. Jazz box, kick ball step (2x)
1-2cross R over L, step back on L
3-4Step R to R side,Step L cross over R
5&6Kick R forward, Step R in place, Step L in place
7&8Kick R forward, Step R in place,Step L in place
S4. Side recover, behind side, cross, sailor step
1-2Step R to R side, recover on L
3&4Step R cross behind L, Step L to L side, Cross R over L
5-6Step L to L side, recover on Ri
7&8½ turn L back with sweep (09.00), Stepping R next to L, Step L cross over R
Enjoy n have fun, you can contact me at yuliedama4627@gmail.com