Easy Improver
#32 intro (One restart)
S1: Step, hold, hip roll turn 1/4 L, hold, cross, turn 1/4 R back, step lock step
1-4Step R fwd, hold, roll hips 1/4 left step L, hold 9:00
5-6Cross R over L, turn 1/4 right step L back 12:00
7&8Step R back, lock L over R, step R back
S2: Turn 1/4 L sway L, hold, sway R, L, cross rock, step lock step
1-4Turn 1/4 left step/sway L, hold, sway R, sway L 9:00
5-6Cross rock R over L, recover L 7:30
7&8Step R back, lock L over R, step R back (still on diagonal)
***** Restart on Wall 7 (see change below) and restart facing 6:00
S3: Turn 1/2 L, hold, step, hold, rock recover back turn 1/2 R
1-4Turn 1/2 left step L fwd, hold, step R fwd, hold 1:30
5-8Rock L, recover R (right diagonal), step L back, turn 1/2 right step R fwd 7:30
S4: Step, hold, step turn 1/8 L, jazz box
1-4Step L fwd, hold, step R fwd, turn 1/8 left step L to left side 6:00
5-8Cross R over L, step L back, step R beside L, step L fwd
One Restart: Wall 7 (facing 12:00) - dance 14 counts, change 7&8, add '&', and restart at 6:00
7&8Step R back, lock L over R, turn 1/8 L step R back 6:00
&Step L beside R
Last Update - 2 July 2019
S1: Step, hold, hip roll turn 1/4 L, hold, cross, turn 1/4 R back, step lock step
1-4Step R fwd, hold, roll hips 1/4 left step L, hold 9:00
5-6Cross R over L, turn 1/4 right step L back 12:00
7&8Step R back, lock L over R, step R back
S2: Turn 1/4 L sway L, hold, sway R, L, cross rock, step lock step
1-4Turn 1/4 left step/sway L, hold, sway R, sway L 9:00
5-6Cross rock R over L, recover L 7:30
7&8Step R back, lock L over R, step R back (still on diagonal)
***** Restart on Wall 7 (see change below) and restart facing 6:00
S3: Turn 1/2 L, hold, step, hold, rock recover back turn 1/2 R
1-4Turn 1/2 left step L fwd, hold, step R fwd, hold 1:30
5-8Rock L, recover R (right diagonal), step L back, turn 1/2 right step R fwd 7:30
S4: Step, hold, step turn 1/8 L, jazz box
1-4Step L fwd, hold, step R fwd, turn 1/8 left step L to left side 6:00
5-8Cross R over L, step L back, step R beside L, step L fwd
One Restart: Wall 7 (facing 12:00) - dance 14 counts, change 7&8, add '&', and restart at 6:00
7&8Step R back, lock L over R, turn 1/8 L step R back 6:00
&Step L beside R
Last Update - 2 July 2019