Intermediate waltz
(12 count intro, just before “it’s not simple, five piano dings !!)
Section 1: Left twinkle ¼ turn left, basic waltz back
1,2,3cross left over right, ¼ turn left stepping back right, close left next to right
4,5,6step back on right, close left next to right, step right in place
Section 2: Left twinkle ¼ turn left, basic waltz back
1,2,3cross left over right, ¼ turn left stepping back right, close left next to right
4,5,6step back on right, close left next to right, step right in place = Restart wall 5.
Section 3: Left twinkle, right twinkle ¾ turn to the left
1,2,3cross left over right, step right back, step left to left side (face diagonal)
4,5,6cross right over left, ¼ turn left step back left, ½ turn left step forward right (3 o’clock)
Section 4: Cross point hold, ½ turn monteray
1,2,3cross left in front of right, point right to right side, hold
4,5,6pivoting on ball of left foot ½ turn over right shoulder closing right next to left, point left out to the side, hold
Section 5: 2 x forward travelling twinkles
1,2,3cross left slightly in front of right, step right to right side, step left to left side
4,5,6cross right slightly in front of left, step left to left side, step right to right side
Section 6: Step touch hold, back point hold
1,2,3step left forward, touch right next to left, hold
4,5,6step right back, point left toes forward (angling body to the right)
Section 7: 2 x basic waltz ½ turns to the left
1,2,3step left forward, ¼ turn left and step right together, ¼ turn left and step left together
4,5,6step right back, ¼ turn left and step left together ¼ turn left and step right together
Section 8: Lunge forward left, recover, step back, basic waltz back
1,2,3press left forward, recover weight onto right, step back on left
4,5,6step right back, close left next to right, step right forward
One Re- start, Wall 5 , After section 2.
With thank to Cathy Hodgson, Pro scripts
Section 1: Left twinkle ¼ turn left, basic waltz back
1,2,3cross left over right, ¼ turn left stepping back right, close left next to right
4,5,6step back on right, close left next to right, step right in place
Section 2: Left twinkle ¼ turn left, basic waltz back
1,2,3cross left over right, ¼ turn left stepping back right, close left next to right
4,5,6step back on right, close left next to right, step right in place = Restart wall 5.
Section 3: Left twinkle, right twinkle ¾ turn to the left
1,2,3cross left over right, step right back, step left to left side (face diagonal)
4,5,6cross right over left, ¼ turn left step back left, ½ turn left step forward right (3 o’clock)
Section 4: Cross point hold, ½ turn monteray
1,2,3cross left in front of right, point right to right side, hold
4,5,6pivoting on ball of left foot ½ turn over right shoulder closing right next to left, point left out to the side, hold
Section 5: 2 x forward travelling twinkles
1,2,3cross left slightly in front of right, step right to right side, step left to left side
4,5,6cross right slightly in front of left, step left to left side, step right to right side
Section 6: Step touch hold, back point hold
1,2,3step left forward, touch right next to left, hold
4,5,6step right back, point left toes forward (angling body to the right)
Section 7: 2 x basic waltz ½ turns to the left
1,2,3step left forward, ¼ turn left and step right together, ¼ turn left and step left together
4,5,6step right back, ¼ turn left and step left together ¼ turn left and step right together
Section 8: Lunge forward left, recover, step back, basic waltz back
1,2,3press left forward, recover weight onto right, step back on left
4,5,6step right back, close left next to right, step right forward
One Re- start, Wall 5 , After section 2.
With thank to Cathy Hodgson, Pro scripts