High Intermediate Rolling 8-Count
Intro: 16 counts, start one count before lyrics (19 sec. into track)
[1 – 8] ⅛ L Rock, Back, Back Rock, 7/8 R, Cross, Side, Sailors L R
1, 2a3⅛ Turn left (10:30) rock R fw (1), Recover L (2), Step R back (a), Rock L back (3) 10:30
4a5Recover R (4), ½ Turn right step L back (a), 3/8 Turn right step R fw square to 9:00 sweep L to front (5) 9:00
6aCross L over right (6), Step R to right side (a) 9:00
7&aStep L behind (7), Step R to right side (&), Step L to left side (a) 9:00
8&aStep R behind L (8), Step L to left side (&), Step R to right side (a) 9:00
[9 – 16] Touch-Unwind ½ L into Lunge, Rolling Turn R, Cross, Side, Close, Cross-Unwind ¾ L, ½ L Shuffle (2x)
1, 2Touch ball of L behind R and start unwind ½ turn L (1), Finish unwind into L Lunge prep for right turn (2) 3:00
3&a4¼ Turn right step R fw (3), ½ Turn right step L back (&), ¼ Turn right step R to right side (a), Cross L over R (4) 3:00
5a6Step R to right side (5), Close L next to R (a), Cross R over L and unwind ¾ left weight ends on L (6) 6:00
7&a8&a½ Turn left shuffle R L R (7&a), ½ Turn left shuffle L R L (8&a)
Non-Turning Option: Shuffle fw R L R (7&a), Shuffle fw L R L (8&a) 6:00
[17 – 24] Prissy Walk R L, Jazz, ¼ L, Step, Step ¾ L Hitch, Sway R L
1, 2Step R fw crossing over L (1), Step L fw crossing over R (2) 6:00
3&a4Cross R over L (3), Step L back (&), Step R slightly to right side (a), Cross L over R and turn ¼ left on L touching R next to L (4) 3:00
5, a6Step R fw (5), Step L fw torque upper body right (a), Turn ¾ left on L hitching R (6)
Easy Option: Cross R over L (5), ¼ Turn right step L back (6) 6:00
7, 8Step R to right side and sway right (7), Place weight on L and sway left (8) 6:00
*Tag and restart here on Wall 5 facing 6:00
[25 – 32] ¼ R Sweep, Cross, Side, Behind, Side, ⅛ R Step, Step, Pivot ½ L, Waltz Basic ½ L (2x)
1, 2¼ Turn right step R fw sweep L to front (1), Cross L over R (2) 9:00
3&a4Step R to right side (3), Step L behind R (&), Step R to right side (a), ⅛ Turn right (10:30) step L fw (4) 10:30
5, 6Step R fw (5), Pivot ½ turn left step L fw (6) 4:30
7&a8&a½ Turn left step R back (7), Step L next to R (&), Replace weight on R (a), ½ Turn left step L fw (8), Step R next to L (&), Replace weight on L (a), Rock R fw (1)
Extra Turn Option - Recommended on all even Walls (2, 4, 6): ½ Turn left step R back (7), ¼ Turn left step L next to R (&), ¼ Turn left step R fw (a), Step L fw (8), ½ Turn left step R back (&), ½ Turn left step L fw (a), Rock R fw (1) 4:30
Tag: On Wall 5 dance up to Count 24 (Sway left), do the following 2 counts then start Wall 6 facing 6:00
1, 2&aSway right (1), Step L to left side (2), Step R behind L (&), Step L to left side (a)
Ending: Sweep both arms fw as you step R fw on Count 1 of Wall 7 facing 10:30, then bring hands in and place them over your heart as he sings “Blessed”
Contact: JuliaLineDance@gmail.com - www.JuliaWetzel.com
Last Update - 1 Aug 2019
[1 – 8] ⅛ L Rock, Back, Back Rock, 7/8 R, Cross, Side, Sailors L R
1, 2a3⅛ Turn left (10:30) rock R fw (1), Recover L (2), Step R back (a), Rock L back (3) 10:30
4a5Recover R (4), ½ Turn right step L back (a), 3/8 Turn right step R fw square to 9:00 sweep L to front (5) 9:00
6aCross L over right (6), Step R to right side (a) 9:00
7&aStep L behind (7), Step R to right side (&), Step L to left side (a) 9:00
8&aStep R behind L (8), Step L to left side (&), Step R to right side (a) 9:00
[9 – 16] Touch-Unwind ½ L into Lunge, Rolling Turn R, Cross, Side, Close, Cross-Unwind ¾ L, ½ L Shuffle (2x)
1, 2Touch ball of L behind R and start unwind ½ turn L (1), Finish unwind into L Lunge prep for right turn (2) 3:00
3&a4¼ Turn right step R fw (3), ½ Turn right step L back (&), ¼ Turn right step R to right side (a), Cross L over R (4) 3:00
5a6Step R to right side (5), Close L next to R (a), Cross R over L and unwind ¾ left weight ends on L (6) 6:00
7&a8&a½ Turn left shuffle R L R (7&a), ½ Turn left shuffle L R L (8&a)
Non-Turning Option: Shuffle fw R L R (7&a), Shuffle fw L R L (8&a) 6:00
[17 – 24] Prissy Walk R L, Jazz, ¼ L, Step, Step ¾ L Hitch, Sway R L
1, 2Step R fw crossing over L (1), Step L fw crossing over R (2) 6:00
3&a4Cross R over L (3), Step L back (&), Step R slightly to right side (a), Cross L over R and turn ¼ left on L touching R next to L (4) 3:00
5, a6Step R fw (5), Step L fw torque upper body right (a), Turn ¾ left on L hitching R (6)
Easy Option: Cross R over L (5), ¼ Turn right step L back (6) 6:00
7, 8Step R to right side and sway right (7), Place weight on L and sway left (8) 6:00
*Tag and restart here on Wall 5 facing 6:00
[25 – 32] ¼ R Sweep, Cross, Side, Behind, Side, ⅛ R Step, Step, Pivot ½ L, Waltz Basic ½ L (2x)
1, 2¼ Turn right step R fw sweep L to front (1), Cross L over R (2) 9:00
3&a4Step R to right side (3), Step L behind R (&), Step R to right side (a), ⅛ Turn right (10:30) step L fw (4) 10:30
5, 6Step R fw (5), Pivot ½ turn left step L fw (6) 4:30
7&a8&a½ Turn left step R back (7), Step L next to R (&), Replace weight on R (a), ½ Turn left step L fw (8), Step R next to L (&), Replace weight on L (a), Rock R fw (1)
Extra Turn Option - Recommended on all even Walls (2, 4, 6): ½ Turn left step R back (7), ¼ Turn left step L next to R (&), ¼ Turn left step R fw (a), Step L fw (8), ½ Turn left step R back (&), ½ Turn left step L fw (a), Rock R fw (1) 4:30
Tag: On Wall 5 dance up to Count 24 (Sway left), do the following 2 counts then start Wall 6 facing 6:00
1, 2&aSway right (1), Step L to left side (2), Step R behind L (&), Step L to left side (a)
Ending: Sweep both arms fw as you step R fw on Count 1 of Wall 7 facing 10:30, then bring hands in and place them over your heart as he sings “Blessed”
Contact: JuliaLineDance@gmail.com - www.JuliaWetzel.com
Last Update - 1 Aug 2019