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Riding with Red

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Improver waltz
Caz Robertson (UK) & Jane Lake (UK) - May 2019
Riding With Red - Aaron Watson : (Album: Red Bandana, iTunes)
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Intro: 24 counts (10 seconds); start on vocals

3-count jazz box x 2; step, stomp, stomp x 2
1-3Cross right over left, step back left, step right to right
4-6Cross left over right, step back right, step left to left
7-9Step right forward on right diagonal swinging right hip forward, stomp up left twice
10-12Step left back on left diagonal swinging left hip back, stomp up right twice

Step, pivot 1/2 turn, hold; step, kick, kick; rock, recover, scuff; step, hold, hold
13-15Step right forward, pivot 1/2 turn left, hold
16-18Step right forward, kick left forward twice
19-21Rock left to left, recover on right, scuff left forward
22-24Step back left, hold, hold (on count 24 start to bring right foot forward to sweep around behind left for sailor step at count 25)

Sailor step; sailor step; sailor step; stomp, hold, hold
25-27Cross right behind left, step left to left, step right to right
28-30Cross left behind right, step right to right, step left to left
31-33Cross right behind left, step left to left, step right to right
34-36Stomp left forward, hold, hold

Rock, recover, scuff; coaster step; step, kick, kick; point, hold, hold
37-39Rock right to right, recover on left, scuff right forward
40-42Step back on right, step left next to right, step right forward
43-45Step left forward, kick right forward twice
46-48Point right to right, hold, hold

Start again

Restarts: On walls 4 and 7 start again after Count 36
The two restarts both begin after an orchestral section.

Finish: On wall 10 dance the sailor step at counts 28-30, step right forward on count 31

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