1-2&Step R to R, Drag L foot and Rock L behind R, Replace on R
3-4&Step L to L, Drag R foot and Rock R across-over L, Replace on L
5-6&¼ R Step R fwd, Step L fwd, Pivot ½ R onto R,
7-8&Step L fwd, Step R fwd, Turn ¾ L stepping onto L (12.00)
1-2&Step R fwd, Rock L fwd, Replace on R
3-4&Step L back, Step R back, Step L to L side
5-6&Cross rock R over L, Replace on L, Small step R to R
7-8Cross rock L over R (on R diagonal), Replace on R
&½ L stepping L fwd on same diagonal
1-2Step R fwd, Pivot 5/8 L turn (to face 12.00)
3&4Step R to R, Step L beside R, Step R to R
5&6Rock L back, Replace on R, Touch L beside R (12.00.)
7&8Step L fwd on L diagonal, Lock R behind L, Step L fwd on L diagonal
Turn ¼ L and Start again. 2nd Wall. Repeat above 24 counts
After 2nd Wall do
1&2Rock R fwd on diagonal, ½ R step R fwd,
3&4Step L fwd, Pivot ½ turn R onto R, Step L fwd on diagonal
5-6Step R fwd, Pivot 3/8 L onto L (3.00)
Then start 3rd Wall by step R to R and dance 30 more counts as above. Then add
7&8Kick R fwd, Ball-step R, L
Start again by step R to R…Dance all of the above again ( 24, 30, 32 counts)
Last sequence is 30, 32, 24
Last Update - 24 May 2019
1-2&Step R to R, Drag L foot and Rock L behind R, Replace on R
3-4&Step L to L, Drag R foot and Rock R across-over L, Replace on L
5-6&¼ R Step R fwd, Step L fwd, Pivot ½ R onto R,
7-8&Step L fwd, Step R fwd, Turn ¾ L stepping onto L (12.00)
1-2&Step R fwd, Rock L fwd, Replace on R
3-4&Step L back, Step R back, Step L to L side
5-6&Cross rock R over L, Replace on L, Small step R to R
7-8Cross rock L over R (on R diagonal), Replace on R
&½ L stepping L fwd on same diagonal
1-2Step R fwd, Pivot 5/8 L turn (to face 12.00)
3&4Step R to R, Step L beside R, Step R to R
5&6Rock L back, Replace on R, Touch L beside R (12.00.)
7&8Step L fwd on L diagonal, Lock R behind L, Step L fwd on L diagonal
Turn ¼ L and Start again. 2nd Wall. Repeat above 24 counts
After 2nd Wall do
1&2Rock R fwd on diagonal, ½ R step R fwd,
3&4Step L fwd, Pivot ½ turn R onto R, Step L fwd on diagonal
5-6Step R fwd, Pivot 3/8 L onto L (3.00)
Then start 3rd Wall by step R to R and dance 30 more counts as above. Then add
7&8Kick R fwd, Ball-step R, L
Start again by step R to R…Dance all of the above again ( 24, 30, 32 counts)
Last sequence is 30, 32, 24
Last Update - 24 May 2019