Intro: 56 counts ( start on the word “Beer”)
S1: Cross, side, behind, side, cross, side rock, recover ¼ turn L, ½ turn L, ¼ turn L
1 - 2Cross LF over RF, step RF next to LF,
3&4Cross LF behind RF, Step RF beside LF, cross LF over RF,
5 - 6Rock RF to right side, recover onto LF with ¼ turn left (09:00)
7 - 8½ turn left on LF stepping RF back, ¼ turn left on RF stepping LF to left side (12:00)
S2: Cross shuffle, side, behind, side, together, forward, step forward, ½ turn L, hook,
1&2Cross RF over LF, close LF beside RF, cross RF over LF,
3 - 4Step LF to left side, cross RF behind LF,
5&6Step LF to left side, close RF next to LF, step LF forward,
7 - 8Step RF forward, ½ turn left on RF hooking LF over RF, (06:00)
Restart here in 4th wall facing 09:00
S3: Step, lock, step, lock, step, rock forward, recover, coaster step,
1 - 2Step LF forward, lock RF behind LF,
3&4Step LF forward, lock RF behind LF, step LF forward,
5 - 6Rock RF forward, recover onto LF,
7&8Step RF back, step LF next to RF, step RF forward,
Restart here in 8th wall facing 06:00
S4: Rock forward, recover, prissy walk backwards, coaster step, step forward, ¼ turn R hitch L.
1 - 2Rock LF forward, recover onto RF,
3 - 4Cross LF behind RF, cross RF behind LF ( moving backwards )
5&6Step LF behind, step RF next to LF, step LF forward,
7-8Step RF forward, ¼ turn right on RF hitching left knee.
Ending: to end the dance on the starting wall change the coaster step from section 3 into a shuffle ½ turn right.
S1: Cross, side, behind, side, cross, side rock, recover ¼ turn L, ½ turn L, ¼ turn L
1 - 2Cross LF over RF, step RF next to LF,
3&4Cross LF behind RF, Step RF beside LF, cross LF over RF,
5 - 6Rock RF to right side, recover onto LF with ¼ turn left (09:00)
7 - 8½ turn left on LF stepping RF back, ¼ turn left on RF stepping LF to left side (12:00)
S2: Cross shuffle, side, behind, side, together, forward, step forward, ½ turn L, hook,
1&2Cross RF over LF, close LF beside RF, cross RF over LF,
3 - 4Step LF to left side, cross RF behind LF,
5&6Step LF to left side, close RF next to LF, step LF forward,
7 - 8Step RF forward, ½ turn left on RF hooking LF over RF, (06:00)
Restart here in 4th wall facing 09:00
S3: Step, lock, step, lock, step, rock forward, recover, coaster step,
1 - 2Step LF forward, lock RF behind LF,
3&4Step LF forward, lock RF behind LF, step LF forward,
5 - 6Rock RF forward, recover onto LF,
7&8Step RF back, step LF next to RF, step RF forward,
Restart here in 8th wall facing 06:00
S4: Rock forward, recover, prissy walk backwards, coaster step, step forward, ¼ turn R hitch L.
1 - 2Rock LF forward, recover onto RF,
3 - 4Cross LF behind RF, cross RF behind LF ( moving backwards )
5&6Step LF behind, step RF next to LF, step LF forward,
7-8Step RF forward, ¼ turn right on RF hitching left knee.
Ending: to end the dance on the starting wall change the coaster step from section 3 into a shuffle ½ turn right.