Beginner waltz
Intro: 6 counts
S1: Sway Left, hold, sway Right, hold (12:00)
1,2,3Sway left (hold for 2 counts)
4,5,6Sway right (hold for 2 counts)
*S2: Step forward left, Point right, Hold, Step back right, Point left, Hold (12:00)
1,2,3,Step forward on left, point right to right side, hold
4,5,6Step back on right, point left to left side, hold
S3: Basic Waltz forward left, Basic Waltz ¼ turn right (3:00)
1,2,3Step forward on left, step right beside left, step left in place
4,5,6Step back on right, make a ¼ turn right step left beside right, step right in place (3:00)
S4: Sway forward left hold, right coaster step (3:00)
1,2,3Sway forward left (hold for 2 counts)
4,5,6Step back right, step left back to right, step R fwd
Start the dance again
TAG: At the end of wall 8, facing 12:00 add the following TAG then RESTART the dance
Sway Left, hold, sway Right, hold
1,2,3,Sway left (hold for 2 counts)
4,5,6Sway right (hold for 2 counts)
Step forward left, Point right, Hold, Step forward right, Point left, Hold
1,2,3Step forward on left, point right to right side, hold
4,5,6Step forward on right, point left to left side, hold
*S 2 – replace with Twinkle Left, Twinkle Right
1,2,3Cross left over right, step right to right side, step left beside right
4,5,6Cross right over left, step left to left side, step right beside left
Also: In any of Sections 1,2, or 4, Sway steps may be replaced with Basic Waltz steps
Email: Marie McLeod mariemcleod@shaw.ca
Phone: 1-403-201-0599
Glenis Martin letslinedance@telus.net
Phone: 1-403-259-6129
Revised May 14, 2019
Last Site Update – 10 June 2019
S1: Sway Left, hold, sway Right, hold (12:00)
1,2,3Sway left (hold for 2 counts)
4,5,6Sway right (hold for 2 counts)
*S2: Step forward left, Point right, Hold, Step back right, Point left, Hold (12:00)
1,2,3,Step forward on left, point right to right side, hold
4,5,6Step back on right, point left to left side, hold
S3: Basic Waltz forward left, Basic Waltz ¼ turn right (3:00)
1,2,3Step forward on left, step right beside left, step left in place
4,5,6Step back on right, make a ¼ turn right step left beside right, step right in place (3:00)
S4: Sway forward left hold, right coaster step (3:00)
1,2,3Sway forward left (hold for 2 counts)
4,5,6Step back right, step left back to right, step R fwd
Start the dance again
TAG: At the end of wall 8, facing 12:00 add the following TAG then RESTART the dance
Sway Left, hold, sway Right, hold
1,2,3,Sway left (hold for 2 counts)
4,5,6Sway right (hold for 2 counts)
Step forward left, Point right, Hold, Step forward right, Point left, Hold
1,2,3Step forward on left, point right to right side, hold
4,5,6Step forward on right, point left to left side, hold
*S 2 – replace with Twinkle Left, Twinkle Right
1,2,3Cross left over right, step right to right side, step left beside right
4,5,6Cross right over left, step left to left side, step right beside left
Also: In any of Sections 1,2, or 4, Sway steps may be replaced with Basic Waltz steps
Email: Marie McLeod mariemcleod@shaw.ca
Phone: 1-403-201-0599
Glenis Martin letslinedance@telus.net
Phone: 1-403-259-6129
Revised May 14, 2019
Last Site Update – 10 June 2019