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Intro:16 count
Sec: 1: Rock step, ¼ Turn right into R chasse, Jazzbox
1-2Rock FW on R, recover weight on L
3&4Turn ¼ turn R stepping R to R side, bring L next to R, step R to R
5-6-7-8Cross L over R, step back on R, step L to L side, touch R beside L
Sec: 2: Kickballchange, step ½ turn, lockstep with hold, scuff
1&2Kick R Fw, Step ball of R beside L, Step L Beside R (Weight on L)
3-4Step FW on R, turn ½ turn L stepping on to L
5-6Step FW on R (5), Hold (6)
&7-8Lock L Behind R (&), Step FW on R (7), Scuff L FW (8)
Sec: 3: Lock step with hold, scuff, Wine R with ¼ turn R, Touch
1-2Step FW on L (1), Hold (2)
3&4Lock R Behind L (3), Step FW on L (&), Scuff R FW (4)
5-6-7-8Step R to R, Step L Behind R, Step ¼ R Stepping FW on R,Touch L Beside R
Sec: 4: Side Rock, Cross Shuffle, Monterey ¼ turn Right
1-2Rock L to L side, recover on R,
3&4Cross L over R, Step R to R, Cross L over R
5-6-7-8Point R to R Side, ¼ Turn R Stepping Weight on R, Point L to L Side, Step L Beside R (Weight on L)
Ending :Wall 13
Sect: 3: Step ¼ turn Right, Step Beside, Stomp
1-2-3-4Step Fw on L, Turn ¼ R Stepping R to R, Step L Beside R, Stomp R in place
Enjoy and have fun
Contact : pemadsen67@gmail.com
Intro:16 count
Sec: 1: Rock step, ¼ Turn right into R chasse, Jazzbox
1-2Rock FW on R, recover weight on L
3&4Turn ¼ turn R stepping R to R side, bring L next to R, step R to R
5-6-7-8Cross L over R, step back on R, step L to L side, touch R beside L
Sec: 2: Kickballchange, step ½ turn, lockstep with hold, scuff
1&2Kick R Fw, Step ball of R beside L, Step L Beside R (Weight on L)
3-4Step FW on R, turn ½ turn L stepping on to L
5-6Step FW on R (5), Hold (6)
&7-8Lock L Behind R (&), Step FW on R (7), Scuff L FW (8)
Sec: 3: Lock step with hold, scuff, Wine R with ¼ turn R, Touch
1-2Step FW on L (1), Hold (2)
3&4Lock R Behind L (3), Step FW on L (&), Scuff R FW (4)
5-6-7-8Step R to R, Step L Behind R, Step ¼ R Stepping FW on R,Touch L Beside R
Sec: 4: Side Rock, Cross Shuffle, Monterey ¼ turn Right
1-2Rock L to L side, recover on R,
3&4Cross L over R, Step R to R, Cross L over R
5-6-7-8Point R to R Side, ¼ Turn R Stepping Weight on R, Point L to L Side, Step L Beside R (Weight on L)
Ending :Wall 13
Sect: 3: Step ¼ turn Right, Step Beside, Stomp
1-2-3-4Step Fw on L, Turn ¼ R Stepping R to R, Step L Beside R, Stomp R in place
Enjoy and have fun
Contact : pemadsen67@gmail.com