Phrased Intermediate
Intro: after Vocal "" start (on lyrics)
Sequence: C A B C Tag1 D E B` F C Tag2 D E
A : 64count : S1.S2 (16 count) x 4
S1 Forward step touch x2, Backward Step touch X 2
1-4Forward diagonal step touch R.L
5-8Backward diagonal step touch R.L
S2: 2 Times Hipbomps R.L.R.L
1-4 2times Hipbomps R.L
B: 64count : S1.2 x 4
B`: 68count : S1.2 x 2 + Tag 3.(4count) + S1.2 x2
S1. Inplace Weight change
1-4Weight Change R.L.R.L
*Arm Movement : Knee. waist. Shoulder, arms above head.
*Arm Movement : Brush your hands down.
S2.Side Together Side Touch R.L
1-4Rf Side step. Lf Together beside Rf. Rf side step. Lf Touch beside Rf
*Arm Movement : Straighten your R arm and hammer it with your L arm.
5-8Lf Side step. Rf Together beside Lf. Lf side step. Rf Touch beside Rf
*Arm Movement : Straighten your L arm and hammer it with your R arm.
C: 32count : S1.2 X 2
S1 Big step touch 2times hitch R.L
1-4Rf Side Big step. Lf touch beside Rf. Lf 2time hitch
5-8Lf Side Big step. Rf touch beside Lf. Rf 2time hitch
*Arm Movement : Open your arms sideways, fold your elbows, and hit your thighs down two times. Repeat 2times
S2 Syncopation step touch x 4
1&2Rf side step Lf touch beside Rf. Hold
3&4Lf side step Rf touch beside Lf. Hold
*Arm Movement : bend elbows next to my body and shake them front and back
Tag 1: Charleston steps x 4 (16count)
1-2Rf Forward Touch , Rf back step
3-4Lf back Touch, Lf forward step
5-6Rf Forward Touch , Rf back step
7-8Lf back Touch, Lf forward step
**For more style you can make swivels during charleston step
Tag 2: Charleston steps x3 12count
1-2Rf Forward Touch , Rf back step
3-4Lf back Touch, Lf forward step
5-6Rf Forward Touch , Rf back step
7-8Lf back Touch, Lf forward step
1-2Rf Forward Touch , Rf back step
3-4Lf back Touch, Lf forward step
**For more style you can make swivels during Charleston step
Tag 3: Round Walk for make circle(4count) - Only B`
1-4Rf 1/4 R(3:00) Lf1/4R (6:00). Rf 1/4 R(9:00) Lf1/4R (12:00).
D: 32 count
S1 2times kick ball point R.L Inplace walking RLRL
1&2Rf forward kick. Rf Together beside Lf. Lf side point
3&4Lf forward kick. Lf Together beside Rf. Rf side point
*Arm Movement : bend one's elbow and turn it out in a circle.
5-8Inplace walking. R.L.R.L
S2 = S1 Repeat
S3 4times Touch & Together step R.L.R.L with Hip movement
1-2Rf Forward toe touch . Rf Together beside Lf. (R hip Up & down)
3-4Lf Forward toe touch . Lf Together beside Rf. (L hip Up & down)
*Arm Movement : hands down
*Arm Movement : Bend your elbows and lift your shoulders
S4 Out Out In In Inplace wailking R.L.R.L
1-2Rf forward Out step Lf forward Out step
3-4Rf backward in step Lf backward together beside Rf
*Arm Movement : Bend your elbows shake Up and Down
5-8In place walking. R.L.R.L
E: 32count : S1.2 X 2
S1 Side Shuffle R.L 1/8L Weight change inplace R.L.R.L.R.L.R.L
1&2Rf side step. Lf together beside Rf. Rf side step
3&4Lf side step. Rf together beside Lf. Lf side step
*Arm Movement : two-hand hammering to R.L.
5&6&7&8&1/8L Rf together beside Lf. (10:30)
weight change Rf. Lf. Rf. Lf. Rf. Lf. Rf. Lf
*Arm Movement : two-hand continuous hammering to L up and down
S2 Touch Touch Touch 1/8R step 2times Body Roll
1-4Rf Forward toe touch(10:30) Side touch(1:30)Forward touch(10:30)
1/8 R side step(12:00)
*Arm Movement :Use the wrist snap to R, L, Up to above the head R wrist.
5-8 2times body roll up and down
*Arm Movement :L hand at the waist, R hand above the head.
F : 32count S1.2.3.4
*Arm Movement : arms stretched out forward
Raise your thumbs up and shake them from side to side
S1 : Forward stepping
1-8Forward step Rf.Lf.Rf.Lf.Rf.Lf.Rf.Lf
S2: Backward stepping
1-8Backward step Rf.Lf.Rf.Lf.Rf.Lf.Rf.Lf
S3 : R Round walking make circle
1-4Rf 1/8 R(1:30) Lf1/8R (3:00). Rf 1/8 R(4:30) Lf1/8R (6:00).
5-8Rf 1/8 R(7:30) Lf1/8R (9:00). Rf 1/8 R(10:30) Lf1/8R (12:00).
S4 : L Round walking make circle
1-4Rf 1/8 L(10:30) Lf1/8L (9:00).Rf 1/8 L(7:30) Lf1/8L (6:00).
5-8Rf 1/8 L(4:30) Lf1/8L (3:00).Rf 1/8 L(1:30) Lf1/8L (12:00).
Enjoy Dance
Contact :garamzzang@gmail.com
Sequence: C A B C Tag1 D E B` F C Tag2 D E
A : 64count : S1.S2 (16 count) x 4
S1 Forward step touch x2, Backward Step touch X 2
1-4Forward diagonal step touch R.L
5-8Backward diagonal step touch R.L
S2: 2 Times Hipbomps R.L.R.L
1-4 2times Hipbomps R.L
B: 64count : S1.2 x 4
B`: 68count : S1.2 x 2 + Tag 3.(4count) + S1.2 x2
S1. Inplace Weight change
1-4Weight Change R.L.R.L
*Arm Movement : Knee. waist. Shoulder, arms above head.
*Arm Movement : Brush your hands down.
S2.Side Together Side Touch R.L
1-4Rf Side step. Lf Together beside Rf. Rf side step. Lf Touch beside Rf
*Arm Movement : Straighten your R arm and hammer it with your L arm.
5-8Lf Side step. Rf Together beside Lf. Lf side step. Rf Touch beside Rf
*Arm Movement : Straighten your L arm and hammer it with your R arm.
C: 32count : S1.2 X 2
S1 Big step touch 2times hitch R.L
1-4Rf Side Big step. Lf touch beside Rf. Lf 2time hitch
5-8Lf Side Big step. Rf touch beside Lf. Rf 2time hitch
*Arm Movement : Open your arms sideways, fold your elbows, and hit your thighs down two times. Repeat 2times
S2 Syncopation step touch x 4
1&2Rf side step Lf touch beside Rf. Hold
3&4Lf side step Rf touch beside Lf. Hold
*Arm Movement : bend elbows next to my body and shake them front and back
Tag 1: Charleston steps x 4 (16count)
1-2Rf Forward Touch , Rf back step
3-4Lf back Touch, Lf forward step
5-6Rf Forward Touch , Rf back step
7-8Lf back Touch, Lf forward step
**For more style you can make swivels during charleston step
Tag 2: Charleston steps x3 12count
1-2Rf Forward Touch , Rf back step
3-4Lf back Touch, Lf forward step
5-6Rf Forward Touch , Rf back step
7-8Lf back Touch, Lf forward step
1-2Rf Forward Touch , Rf back step
3-4Lf back Touch, Lf forward step
**For more style you can make swivels during Charleston step
Tag 3: Round Walk for make circle(4count) - Only B`
1-4Rf 1/4 R(3:00) Lf1/4R (6:00). Rf 1/4 R(9:00) Lf1/4R (12:00).
D: 32 count
S1 2times kick ball point R.L Inplace walking RLRL
1&2Rf forward kick. Rf Together beside Lf. Lf side point
3&4Lf forward kick. Lf Together beside Rf. Rf side point
*Arm Movement : bend one's elbow and turn it out in a circle.
5-8Inplace walking. R.L.R.L
S2 = S1 Repeat
S3 4times Touch & Together step R.L.R.L with Hip movement
1-2Rf Forward toe touch . Rf Together beside Lf. (R hip Up & down)
3-4Lf Forward toe touch . Lf Together beside Rf. (L hip Up & down)
*Arm Movement : hands down
*Arm Movement : Bend your elbows and lift your shoulders
S4 Out Out In In Inplace wailking R.L.R.L
1-2Rf forward Out step Lf forward Out step
3-4Rf backward in step Lf backward together beside Rf
*Arm Movement : Bend your elbows shake Up and Down
5-8In place walking. R.L.R.L
E: 32count : S1.2 X 2
S1 Side Shuffle R.L 1/8L Weight change inplace R.L.R.L.R.L.R.L
1&2Rf side step. Lf together beside Rf. Rf side step
3&4Lf side step. Rf together beside Lf. Lf side step
*Arm Movement : two-hand hammering to R.L.
5&6&7&8&1/8L Rf together beside Lf. (10:30)
weight change Rf. Lf. Rf. Lf. Rf. Lf. Rf. Lf
*Arm Movement : two-hand continuous hammering to L up and down
S2 Touch Touch Touch 1/8R step 2times Body Roll
1-4Rf Forward toe touch(10:30) Side touch(1:30)Forward touch(10:30)
1/8 R side step(12:00)
*Arm Movement :Use the wrist snap to R, L, Up to above the head R wrist.
5-8 2times body roll up and down
*Arm Movement :L hand at the waist, R hand above the head.
F : 32count S1.2.3.4
*Arm Movement : arms stretched out forward
Raise your thumbs up and shake them from side to side
S1 : Forward stepping
1-8Forward step Rf.Lf.Rf.Lf.Rf.Lf.Rf.Lf
S2: Backward stepping
1-8Backward step Rf.Lf.Rf.Lf.Rf.Lf.Rf.Lf
S3 : R Round walking make circle
1-4Rf 1/8 R(1:30) Lf1/8R (3:00). Rf 1/8 R(4:30) Lf1/8R (6:00).
5-8Rf 1/8 R(7:30) Lf1/8R (9:00). Rf 1/8 R(10:30) Lf1/8R (12:00).
S4 : L Round walking make circle
1-4Rf 1/8 L(10:30) Lf1/8L (9:00).Rf 1/8 L(7:30) Lf1/8L (6:00).
5-8Rf 1/8 L(4:30) Lf1/8L (3:00).Rf 1/8 L(1:30) Lf1/8L (12:00).
Enjoy Dance
Contact :garamzzang@gmail.com