High Beginner
Start after 8 counts on lyrics
Restart after 8 counts on wall 7
Half turn, Kick ball change (x2)
1-2Half pivot turn, stepping forward R (6:00)
3&4R kick ball change
5-6Half pivot turn, stepping forward R (12:00)
7&8R kick ball change
Styling: Snap fingers on counts 2, 4, 6, 8
**Restart after 8 counts on wall 7
Hip sways, Weave, Side & cross, Slide turn hitch
1-2Step out to R swaying R L
3&4Weave left R L R behind-side-cross
5&6Side and cross L R L
7-8Slide R, hitch L while turning ¼ L (9:00)
Styling: Slap both hips on count 2 while swaying L
Stomp, Heel taps, Skate steps
1-4Stomp L tapping heel 3 more times
5-8Skate steps R L R L
Styling on last wall ONLY: snap fingers on counts 2, 4, 6, 8 as music ends
Stomp, Heel taps, Cross mambo steps
1-4Stomp R tapping heel 3 more times
5&6Cross mambo R L R
7&8Cross mambo L R L
Restart after 8 counts on wall 7
Half turn, Kick ball change (x2)
1-2Half pivot turn, stepping forward R (6:00)
3&4R kick ball change
5-6Half pivot turn, stepping forward R (12:00)
7&8R kick ball change
Styling: Snap fingers on counts 2, 4, 6, 8
**Restart after 8 counts on wall 7
Hip sways, Weave, Side & cross, Slide turn hitch
1-2Step out to R swaying R L
3&4Weave left R L R behind-side-cross
5&6Side and cross L R L
7-8Slide R, hitch L while turning ¼ L (9:00)
Styling: Slap both hips on count 2 while swaying L
Stomp, Heel taps, Skate steps
1-4Stomp L tapping heel 3 more times
5-8Skate steps R L R L
Styling on last wall ONLY: snap fingers on counts 2, 4, 6, 8 as music ends
Stomp, Heel taps, Cross mambo steps
1-4Stomp R tapping heel 3 more times
5&6Cross mambo R L R
7&8Cross mambo L R L