Easy Intermediate
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S1# Forward Rock - Chasse 1/2 to R - Pivot 1/4 to R - Cross Rock - Side
1-2Step R forward , L recover
3&4Step R side 1/4 turn to R , L close beside R , R forward 1/4 turn to R
5-6Step L forward 1/4 turn to R , L in place
7&8Step L cross over R , R in place, L to side
S2# Push Forward - Hitch - Forward Shuffle - Forward Rock - Back Drag - Touch
1-2Step R push forward , R knee Up
3&4Step R forward , L close beside R , R forward
5-6Step L forward , R recover
7-8Step L back slight with R heel , R touch beside L
S3# Swivel - Side Swivel - Swivel - Forward Shuffle 1/4 to L
1&2&Step R to side with toe diagonal, L touch beside R , L to side with toe diagonal , R touch beside L
3&4&Step R to side with toe diagonal , L touch beside R , L to side toe diagonal, L touch beside R
5&6&Step L to side with toe diagonal , R touch beside L , L to side with toe diagonal , L touch beside R
7&8Step L forward 1/4 turn to L , R close beside L , L forward
S4# Side Drag - Tap Hitch - Monterey 1/4 to R
1-2Step R slight to side , L slightly to R
3-4Hold , L tap beside R with knee Up
5-6Step R to side touch , R close beside L 1/4 turn to R
7-8Step L to side touch , L close beside R
Enjoy The Dance
Contact: ricoyusran@yahoo.com
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S1# Forward Rock - Chasse 1/2 to R - Pivot 1/4 to R - Cross Rock - Side
1-2Step R forward , L recover
3&4Step R side 1/4 turn to R , L close beside R , R forward 1/4 turn to R
5-6Step L forward 1/4 turn to R , L in place
7&8Step L cross over R , R in place, L to side
S2# Push Forward - Hitch - Forward Shuffle - Forward Rock - Back Drag - Touch
1-2Step R push forward , R knee Up
3&4Step R forward , L close beside R , R forward
5-6Step L forward , R recover
7-8Step L back slight with R heel , R touch beside L
S3# Swivel - Side Swivel - Swivel - Forward Shuffle 1/4 to L
1&2&Step R to side with toe diagonal, L touch beside R , L to side with toe diagonal , R touch beside L
3&4&Step R to side with toe diagonal , L touch beside R , L to side toe diagonal, L touch beside R
5&6&Step L to side with toe diagonal , R touch beside L , L to side with toe diagonal , L touch beside R
7&8Step L forward 1/4 turn to L , R close beside L , L forward
S4# Side Drag - Tap Hitch - Monterey 1/4 to R
1-2Step R slight to side , L slightly to R
3-4Hold , L tap beside R with knee Up
5-6Step R to side touch , R close beside L 1/4 turn to R
7-8Step L to side touch , L close beside R
Enjoy The Dance
Contact: ricoyusran@yahoo.com