Start: 16 counts into music (at vocals)
Music Available: iTunes, Amazon, Walmart
Walk, Walk, Anchor Step, Step and Sweep ½ turn, Cross, Back, Together
1-2,3&4Walk forward R, walk forward L, step R slightly diagonally behind L, step L in place, step back slightly on R
5-6Step L to left while starting a ½ turn to left, sweep R across in front of L completing the ½ turn (6:00)
7&8Step R over L, step back slightly on L, step R next to L
Walk, Walk, Quarter Turn Cross, Step ¼, Step ¼, Crossing Triple
1-2,3&4Walk forward L, walk forward R, step L forward, step R making ¼ turn to right, cross step L over R (9:00)
5-6Step back on R making ¼ turn to left, step back on L making ¼ turn to left (3:00)
7&8Cross step R over L, step L slightly out to left, cross step R over L
Point, Point, Touch, Touch, Walk, Mambo, Rock, Recover
1&2&Point L toes out to left, step L next to R, point R toes out to right, step R next to L
3&4&Touch L toes forward, step L next to R, touch R toes forward, step R next to L
5-6&7Step L forward, rock forward on R, step L in place, step back on R
8&Rock back on L, recover on R
Skate, Skate, ¼ Triple Forward, Pivot ¼, Bump, Bump
1-2Push L out to left diagonal (skate), push R out to right diagonal (skate)
3&4Step L forward making ¼ turn to left, step R next to L, step L forward (12:00)
5-6Step R forward, pivot ¼ turn to left placing weight on L (9:00)
7&8&Bump hips out and up to right, bring them home, bump hips out and down to right, bring them home
(top drawer, bottom drawer)
Rock, Recover, Together, Rock, Recover, Together, Rock, Recover, Rock, Recover, Rock, Recover, Step
1&2Rock R across L, recover on L, step R next to L
3&4Rock L across R, recover on R, step L next to R
5&6&Rock R across L, recover on L, rock back on R, recover on L
7&8Rock R across L, recover on L, step R next to L
Rock, Recover, Together, Rock, Recover, Together, Rock, Recover, Rock, Recover, Rock, Recover, Step
1&2Rock L across R, recover on R, step L next to R
3&4Rock R across L, recover on L, step R next to L
5&6&Rock L across R, recover on R, rock back on L, recover on R
7&8Rock L across R, recover on R, step L next to R
Restarts on walls 3 and 5
Dance the dance through the first 32 counts and Restart
NOTE: Shelby Juice consists of Vodka, water, and MIO!!! Dance responsibily……..
Contact: lndncer@aol.com
Music Available: iTunes, Amazon, Walmart
Walk, Walk, Anchor Step, Step and Sweep ½ turn, Cross, Back, Together
1-2,3&4Walk forward R, walk forward L, step R slightly diagonally behind L, step L in place, step back slightly on R
5-6Step L to left while starting a ½ turn to left, sweep R across in front of L completing the ½ turn (6:00)
7&8Step R over L, step back slightly on L, step R next to L
Walk, Walk, Quarter Turn Cross, Step ¼, Step ¼, Crossing Triple
1-2,3&4Walk forward L, walk forward R, step L forward, step R making ¼ turn to right, cross step L over R (9:00)
5-6Step back on R making ¼ turn to left, step back on L making ¼ turn to left (3:00)
7&8Cross step R over L, step L slightly out to left, cross step R over L
Point, Point, Touch, Touch, Walk, Mambo, Rock, Recover
1&2&Point L toes out to left, step L next to R, point R toes out to right, step R next to L
3&4&Touch L toes forward, step L next to R, touch R toes forward, step R next to L
5-6&7Step L forward, rock forward on R, step L in place, step back on R
8&Rock back on L, recover on R
Skate, Skate, ¼ Triple Forward, Pivot ¼, Bump, Bump
1-2Push L out to left diagonal (skate), push R out to right diagonal (skate)
3&4Step L forward making ¼ turn to left, step R next to L, step L forward (12:00)
5-6Step R forward, pivot ¼ turn to left placing weight on L (9:00)
7&8&Bump hips out and up to right, bring them home, bump hips out and down to right, bring them home
(top drawer, bottom drawer)
Rock, Recover, Together, Rock, Recover, Together, Rock, Recover, Rock, Recover, Rock, Recover, Step
1&2Rock R across L, recover on L, step R next to L
3&4Rock L across R, recover on R, step L next to R
5&6&Rock R across L, recover on L, rock back on R, recover on L
7&8Rock R across L, recover on L, step R next to L
Rock, Recover, Together, Rock, Recover, Together, Rock, Recover, Rock, Recover, Rock, Recover, Step
1&2Rock L across R, recover on R, step L next to R
3&4Rock R across L, recover on L, step R next to L
5&6&Rock L across R, recover on R, rock back on L, recover on R
7&8Rock L across R, recover on R, step L next to R
Restarts on walls 3 and 5
Dance the dance through the first 32 counts and Restart
NOTE: Shelby Juice consists of Vodka, water, and MIO!!! Dance responsibily……..
Contact: lndncer@aol.com