Absolute Beginner
To celebrate 21 year anniversary for Claire Bell and the Keswick Kickers
#16 count intro
Step right, touch, step left, touch, vine right, touch
1-4.Step right to right, touch left next to right, step left to left, touch right next to left
5-8.Step right to right, cross left behind right, step right to right, touch left next to right
Step left, touch, step right, touch, vine left, brush
1-4.Step left, touch right next to left, step right, touch left next to right
5-8.Left to left, cross right behind left, left to left, brush right forward
Step, brush, step, brush, jazz box 1/4 right, brush
1-2.Step forward on right, brush left forward
3-4.Step forward on left, brush right forward
5-8.Cross right over left, back on left, Turn 1/4 right stepping right to right, brush left forward
Left jazz box, touch
1-4.Cross left over right, back on right, left to left, touch right next to left
#16 count intro
Step right, touch, step left, touch, vine right, touch
1-4.Step right to right, touch left next to right, step left to left, touch right next to left
5-8.Step right to right, cross left behind right, step right to right, touch left next to right
Step left, touch, step right, touch, vine left, brush
1-4.Step left, touch right next to left, step right, touch left next to right
5-8.Left to left, cross right behind left, left to left, brush right forward
Step, brush, step, brush, jazz box 1/4 right, brush
1-2.Step forward on right, brush left forward
3-4.Step forward on left, brush right forward
5-8.Cross right over left, back on left, Turn 1/4 right stepping right to right, brush left forward
Left jazz box, touch
1-4.Cross left over right, back on right, left to left, touch right next to left