#16 Count Intro: Sequence: 48 64 tag1 48 64 tag2 64 32
[Section 1] Step, point, step, right lock forward, step forward left ¼ turn right, cross, back, together.
1 2 3Step forward right, point left to left side, step forward left
4&5Step forward right, lock left behind, step forward right
6 7Step forward left, ¼ turn step on right
8&1Step left across, step back on right, close left beside right.
[Section 2] Step, step, anchor step, full turn back left, sailor ¼ left, cross.
2 3Step forward right, step forward left
4&5Step right behind left, step left in place, step back right
6 7½ turn left step on left, ½ turn left step back on right
8&1Sweep ¼ turn step left behind right, right to the side, cross left over right.
[Section 3] Side, behind, ¼ turn right lock step, step forward left ¼ turn, cross, side, back.
2 3Step right side, step left behind right
4&5¼ turn step right, lock left behind right, step forward right
6 7Step left forward, ¼ turn step on right
8&1Step left across, step side on right, step back on left.
[Section 4] Rock back, recover, right samba forward, left samba forward, forward right, ¾ turn left, side.
2 3Rock back right, recover on left
4&5Cross right over left, rock left to left side, step forward right.
6 7Cross left over right, rock right to right side, step forward left
8&1Step forward right ½ turn step on left ¼ left step on right-to-right side.
[Section 5] Rock back, recover, **triple full turn to left, cross, side, sailor ½ turn right.
2 3Rock back left behind, recover on right
4&5Step ¼ turn left, ½ turn left stepping back on right, ¼ turn left to left side
6 7Cross right over left, step left to left side
8&1Sweep ¼ turn step right behind left, step ¼ turn right step left to side, step right to side with sway
[Section 6] Sway left, sway right, side together side with sway, sway right, sway left, right side together side.
2 3Sway on to left, sway on to right,
4&5Step side left, close right beside left, step left with sway
6 7Sway on to right, sway on to left
8&1Step side right, close left beside right, step side right.
RESTART HERE ON WALLS 1 and 3. (Step change - forward on count 1 to restart the dance)
[Section 7] Rock back, recover, **triple full turn to left, cross, side, sailor ½ turn right
2 3Rock back left behind, recover on right
4&5Step ¼ turn left, ½ turn left stepping back on right, ¼ turn left to left side
6 7Cross right over left, step left to left side
8&1Sweep ¼ turn step right behind left, step ¼ turn right step left to side, step right to side with sway
[Section 8] Sway left, sway right, side together side with sway, sway right, sway left side together forward
2 3Sway on to left, sway on to right,
4&5Step side left, close right beside left, step left with sway
6 7Sway on to right, sway on to left
8&1Step side right, close left beside right, step forward right.
At end of walls 2 and 4, to flow into tag step right to side for count 1
RESTART AFTER 48 COUNTS: On wall 1 facing 3:00. On wall 3 facing 6:00
TAG 2 END OF WALL 4 - REPEAT SECTIONS 5,6,7 AND 8 (32 Counts)
**Easy option for triple full turn in sections 5 and 7 – chasse to the left
Dance finishes end of section 4 facing 12:00 on count 1.
Contact Elaine : memonty91@hotmail.com - Mobile: 078
[Section 1] Step, point, step, right lock forward, step forward left ¼ turn right, cross, back, together.
1 2 3Step forward right, point left to left side, step forward left
4&5Step forward right, lock left behind, step forward right
6 7Step forward left, ¼ turn step on right
8&1Step left across, step back on right, close left beside right.
[Section 2] Step, step, anchor step, full turn back left, sailor ¼ left, cross.
2 3Step forward right, step forward left
4&5Step right behind left, step left in place, step back right
6 7½ turn left step on left, ½ turn left step back on right
8&1Sweep ¼ turn step left behind right, right to the side, cross left over right.
[Section 3] Side, behind, ¼ turn right lock step, step forward left ¼ turn, cross, side, back.
2 3Step right side, step left behind right
4&5¼ turn step right, lock left behind right, step forward right
6 7Step left forward, ¼ turn step on right
8&1Step left across, step side on right, step back on left.
[Section 4] Rock back, recover, right samba forward, left samba forward, forward right, ¾ turn left, side.
2 3Rock back right, recover on left
4&5Cross right over left, rock left to left side, step forward right.
6 7Cross left over right, rock right to right side, step forward left
8&1Step forward right ½ turn step on left ¼ left step on right-to-right side.
[Section 5] Rock back, recover, **triple full turn to left, cross, side, sailor ½ turn right.
2 3Rock back left behind, recover on right
4&5Step ¼ turn left, ½ turn left stepping back on right, ¼ turn left to left side
6 7Cross right over left, step left to left side
8&1Sweep ¼ turn step right behind left, step ¼ turn right step left to side, step right to side with sway
[Section 6] Sway left, sway right, side together side with sway, sway right, sway left, right side together side.
2 3Sway on to left, sway on to right,
4&5Step side left, close right beside left, step left with sway
6 7Sway on to right, sway on to left
8&1Step side right, close left beside right, step side right.
RESTART HERE ON WALLS 1 and 3. (Step change - forward on count 1 to restart the dance)
[Section 7] Rock back, recover, **triple full turn to left, cross, side, sailor ½ turn right
2 3Rock back left behind, recover on right
4&5Step ¼ turn left, ½ turn left stepping back on right, ¼ turn left to left side
6 7Cross right over left, step left to left side
8&1Sweep ¼ turn step right behind left, step ¼ turn right step left to side, step right to side with sway
[Section 8] Sway left, sway right, side together side with sway, sway right, sway left side together forward
2 3Sway on to left, sway on to right,
4&5Step side left, close right beside left, step left with sway
6 7Sway on to right, sway on to left
8&1Step side right, close left beside right, step forward right.
At end of walls 2 and 4, to flow into tag step right to side for count 1
RESTART AFTER 48 COUNTS: On wall 1 facing 3:00. On wall 3 facing 6:00
TAG 2 END OF WALL 4 - REPEAT SECTIONS 5,6,7 AND 8 (32 Counts)
**Easy option for triple full turn in sections 5 and 7 – chasse to the left
Dance finishes end of section 4 facing 12:00 on count 1.
Contact Elaine : memonty91@hotmail.com - Mobile: 078