Intro: 32 counts, start on lyrics “dancing” (14 sec. into track)
[1 – 8] Shuffle R L, Rocking Chair
1&2, 3&4Shuffle fw R L R (1&2), Shuffle fw L R L (3&4) 12:00
5 - 8Rock R fw (5), Recover L (6), Rock R back (7), Recover L (8) 12:00
[9 – 16] ¼ R Jazz Box (2x)
1 - 8Cross R over L (1), Step L back (2), ¼ Turn R step R to right side (3), Step L fw (4), Repeat 1 - 4 (5-8) 6:00
[17- 24] Diag. R Stomp, Toe-Heel Swivel, Stomp, Diag. L Stomp, Toe-Heel Swivel, Stomp
1 - 4Stomp R fw to right diag. (1), Swivel L heel in (2), Swivel L toe in (3), Quick stomp L next to R weight stays on R (4) 6:00
5 - 8Stomp L fw to left diag. (5), Swivel R heel in (6), Swivel R toe in (7), Quick stomp R next to L weight stays on L (8) 6:00
[25 – 32] Out, Out, In, In, Hip Bump RR LL
1 - 4Step R fw to right diag. (1), Step L to left side (2), Step R back to center (3), Step L next to R (4) 6:00
5 - 8Step R to right side bump hip right twice (5-6), Step L down bump hip left twice (7-8) 6:00
*Bridge: Repeat this section (all 8 counts) on Wall 2 facing 12:00
[33 – 40] Cross Strut, Side Strut, ¼ R Jazz Box, Cross
1 - 4Cross ball of R over L (1), Step R heel down (2), Step ball of L to left side (3), Step L heel down (4) 6:00
5 - 8Cross R over L (5), Step L back (6), ¼ Turn R step R to right side (7), Cross L over R (8) 9:00
[41 – 48] Side Strut, Cross Strut, Side Rock, Together, Point, Together
1 - 4Step ball of R to right side (1), Step R heel down (2), Cross ball of L over R (3), Step L heel down (4) 9:00
5 – 8&Rock R to right side (5), Recover L (6), Step R next to L (7), Point L to left side (8), Step L next to R (&) 9:00
[49 – 57] Point, Hold, ¼ R Monterey, Point, Hold, Together, Rock, Back, Kick, Back, Touch
1, 2Point R to right side (1), Hold (2) 9:00
&3, 4¼ Monterey Turn right step R next to L (&), Point L to left side (3), Hold (4) 12:00
&5, 6, 7Step L next R (&), Rock R fw (5), Recover L (6), Step R back (7) 12:00
8&1Kick L fw (8), Step L slightly back (&), Touch R fw (1) 12:00
[58 – 64] Hold, Back, Touch, Hold, Back, Cross, ½ L Heel Bounces/Hip Bumps
2&3Hold (2), Step R slightly back (&), Touch L fw (3)
Hip Bounce Option: Lift R hip up (&), Drop R hip sit on L hip (2) 12:00
4&5Hold (4), Step L slightly back (&), Cross R over L (5)
Hip Bounce Option: Lift L hip up (&), Drop L hip sit on R hip (4) 12:00
6 - 8½ Turn left bouncing heels 3 times or bumping hip right 3 times weight ends on L (6-8) 6:00
Bridge: On Wall 2 dance up to Count 32 facing 12:00 then Repeat Counts 24 - 32, continue with Count 33 and the rest of the dance as normal
Ending: On Wall 6 dance up to Count 48 (Point L to left side) facing 3:00 then make a ¼ Monterey Turn left stepping L next to R (&), Point R to right side (1) facing 12:00
[1 – 8] Shuffle R L, Rocking Chair
1&2, 3&4Shuffle fw R L R (1&2), Shuffle fw L R L (3&4) 12:00
5 - 8Rock R fw (5), Recover L (6), Rock R back (7), Recover L (8) 12:00
[9 – 16] ¼ R Jazz Box (2x)
1 - 8Cross R over L (1), Step L back (2), ¼ Turn R step R to right side (3), Step L fw (4), Repeat 1 - 4 (5-8) 6:00
[17- 24] Diag. R Stomp, Toe-Heel Swivel, Stomp, Diag. L Stomp, Toe-Heel Swivel, Stomp
1 - 4Stomp R fw to right diag. (1), Swivel L heel in (2), Swivel L toe in (3), Quick stomp L next to R weight stays on R (4) 6:00
5 - 8Stomp L fw to left diag. (5), Swivel R heel in (6), Swivel R toe in (7), Quick stomp R next to L weight stays on L (8) 6:00
[25 – 32] Out, Out, In, In, Hip Bump RR LL
1 - 4Step R fw to right diag. (1), Step L to left side (2), Step R back to center (3), Step L next to R (4) 6:00
5 - 8Step R to right side bump hip right twice (5-6), Step L down bump hip left twice (7-8) 6:00
*Bridge: Repeat this section (all 8 counts) on Wall 2 facing 12:00
[33 – 40] Cross Strut, Side Strut, ¼ R Jazz Box, Cross
1 - 4Cross ball of R over L (1), Step R heel down (2), Step ball of L to left side (3), Step L heel down (4) 6:00
5 - 8Cross R over L (5), Step L back (6), ¼ Turn R step R to right side (7), Cross L over R (8) 9:00
[41 – 48] Side Strut, Cross Strut, Side Rock, Together, Point, Together
1 - 4Step ball of R to right side (1), Step R heel down (2), Cross ball of L over R (3), Step L heel down (4) 9:00
5 – 8&Rock R to right side (5), Recover L (6), Step R next to L (7), Point L to left side (8), Step L next to R (&) 9:00
[49 – 57] Point, Hold, ¼ R Monterey, Point, Hold, Together, Rock, Back, Kick, Back, Touch
1, 2Point R to right side (1), Hold (2) 9:00
&3, 4¼ Monterey Turn right step R next to L (&), Point L to left side (3), Hold (4) 12:00
&5, 6, 7Step L next R (&), Rock R fw (5), Recover L (6), Step R back (7) 12:00
8&1Kick L fw (8), Step L slightly back (&), Touch R fw (1) 12:00
[58 – 64] Hold, Back, Touch, Hold, Back, Cross, ½ L Heel Bounces/Hip Bumps
2&3Hold (2), Step R slightly back (&), Touch L fw (3)
Hip Bounce Option: Lift R hip up (&), Drop R hip sit on L hip (2) 12:00
4&5Hold (4), Step L slightly back (&), Cross R over L (5)
Hip Bounce Option: Lift L hip up (&), Drop L hip sit on R hip (4) 12:00
6 - 8½ Turn left bouncing heels 3 times or bumping hip right 3 times weight ends on L (6-8) 6:00
Bridge: On Wall 2 dance up to Count 32 facing 12:00 then Repeat Counts 24 - 32, continue with Count 33 and the rest of the dance as normal
Ending: On Wall 6 dance up to Count 48 (Point L to left side) facing 3:00 then make a ¼ Monterey Turn left stepping L next to R (&), Point R to right side (1) facing 12:00