Intro: 16 counts (approx. 11 secs) – bpm: 120 (approx.)
S1: Side R, Rock/Recover, Chasse, Rock/Recover, Chasse
1,2,3Step R to R side, cross rock L over R, recover back R
4&5Step L to L side, step R next to L, step L to L side
6,7Cross rock R over L, recover back L
8&1Step R to R side, step L next to R, step R to R side(12 o’clock)
S2: Rock/Recover, Ball Point, Heel Twists, Rock/Recover, Step Together
2,3Rock fwd L, recover back R
&4&5Step L next to R, point R toe fwd, twist both heels R, twist both heels back to centre (weight on L)
6,7Rock back R, recover fwd L
8&Step fwd R, step L next to R*(12 o’clock)
*Restart During Wall 11, dance up to and including count 8& of Section 2 then RESTART facing 6 o’clock.
S3: Skate, ¼ Turn, Skate, ¼ Turn, Jazz Box Cross
1,2Skate R fwd slightly to R diagonal, make ¼ turn L (weight on L) (9 o’clock)
3,4Skate R fwd slightly to R diagonal, make ¼ turn L (weight on L) (6 o’clock)
5,6Cross R over L, step back L
7,8Step R to R side, cross L over R(6 o’clock)
S4: Side, Together, Chasse, Rock/Recover, ¼ Turn Chasse
1,2Step R to R side, step L next to R
3&4Step R to R side, step L next to R, step R to R side
5,6Cross rock L over R, recover back R
7&8Make ¼ turn L stepping fwd L, step R next to L, step fwd L (3 o’clock)
Start Over
S1: Side R, Rock/Recover, Chasse, Rock/Recover, Chasse
1,2,3Step R to R side, cross rock L over R, recover back R
4&5Step L to L side, step R next to L, step L to L side
6,7Cross rock R over L, recover back L
8&1Step R to R side, step L next to R, step R to R side(12 o’clock)
S2: Rock/Recover, Ball Point, Heel Twists, Rock/Recover, Step Together
2,3Rock fwd L, recover back R
&4&5Step L next to R, point R toe fwd, twist both heels R, twist both heels back to centre (weight on L)
6,7Rock back R, recover fwd L
8&Step fwd R, step L next to R*(12 o’clock)
*Restart During Wall 11, dance up to and including count 8& of Section 2 then RESTART facing 6 o’clock.
S3: Skate, ¼ Turn, Skate, ¼ Turn, Jazz Box Cross
1,2Skate R fwd slightly to R diagonal, make ¼ turn L (weight on L) (9 o’clock)
3,4Skate R fwd slightly to R diagonal, make ¼ turn L (weight on L) (6 o’clock)
5,6Cross R over L, step back L
7,8Step R to R side, cross L over R(6 o’clock)
S4: Side, Together, Chasse, Rock/Recover, ¼ Turn Chasse
1,2Step R to R side, step L next to R
3&4Step R to R side, step L next to R, step R to R side
5,6Cross rock L over R, recover back R
7&8Make ¼ turn L stepping fwd L, step R next to L, step fwd L (3 o’clock)
Start Over