High Beginner
Intro: Start right away
Alt Music : You're My First Love -Eden Ft Lianie May
Section 1: Back. Back. Touch. Unwind ½ right. Walk. Walk. Rock Step.
1-2Walk back on right. Walk back on left.
3-4Touch right toes back. Unwind ½ over your right shoulder.
5-6Walk forward on left. Walk forward on right.
7-8Rock forward on left. Recover onto right.
Section 2: Touch. Unwind ½ left. Walk. Walk. Kick Ball Step x2.
1-2Touch left toes back. Unwind ½ over your left shoulder.
3-4Walk forward on right. Walk forward on left.
5&6Kick right forward. Step right in place. Step forward on left.
7&8Kick right forward. Step right in place. Step forward on left.
Restart here: During Wall 3 (Facing 6 O’clock) 8 (Facing 6 O’clock).
Tag & Restart here: Wall 12 (Facing 3 O’clock) Hold 4 counts then restart as the music starts again.
Section 3: Jazz Box Cross. Right Chasse. Back Rock.
1-4Cross right over left. Step back on left. Step right to right. Cross left over right.
5&6Step right to right. Close left beside right. Step right to right.
7-8Rock back on right. Recover onto left.
Section 4: Chasse ¼ Turn right. Back Rock. Full Turn Forward. Rock Step.
1&2Step left to left. Close right beside left. Turn ¼ right stepping back on left.
3-4Rock back on right. Recover onto left.
5-6Make a Full Turn forward over your left shoulder stepping right, left.
7-8Rock forward on right. Recover onto left.
Restarts: Wall 3 (Facing 6 O’clock) 8 (Facing 6 O’clock).
Tag & Restart: Wall 12 (Facing 3 O’clock) Hold 4 counts then restart as the music starts again.
Ending: As the music is ending, do the final Rock Step (section 4) when you recover make a ¼ turn right to end facing the front wall.
Alt Music : You're My First Love -Eden Ft Lianie May
Section 1: Back. Back. Touch. Unwind ½ right. Walk. Walk. Rock Step.
1-2Walk back on right. Walk back on left.
3-4Touch right toes back. Unwind ½ over your right shoulder.
5-6Walk forward on left. Walk forward on right.
7-8Rock forward on left. Recover onto right.
Section 2: Touch. Unwind ½ left. Walk. Walk. Kick Ball Step x2.
1-2Touch left toes back. Unwind ½ over your left shoulder.
3-4Walk forward on right. Walk forward on left.
5&6Kick right forward. Step right in place. Step forward on left.
7&8Kick right forward. Step right in place. Step forward on left.
Restart here: During Wall 3 (Facing 6 O’clock) 8 (Facing 6 O’clock).
Tag & Restart here: Wall 12 (Facing 3 O’clock) Hold 4 counts then restart as the music starts again.
Section 3: Jazz Box Cross. Right Chasse. Back Rock.
1-4Cross right over left. Step back on left. Step right to right. Cross left over right.
5&6Step right to right. Close left beside right. Step right to right.
7-8Rock back on right. Recover onto left.
Section 4: Chasse ¼ Turn right. Back Rock. Full Turn Forward. Rock Step.
1&2Step left to left. Close right beside left. Turn ¼ right stepping back on left.
3-4Rock back on right. Recover onto left.
5-6Make a Full Turn forward over your left shoulder stepping right, left.
7-8Rock forward on right. Recover onto left.
Restarts: Wall 3 (Facing 6 O’clock) 8 (Facing 6 O’clock).
Tag & Restart: Wall 12 (Facing 3 O’clock) Hold 4 counts then restart as the music starts again.
Ending: As the music is ending, do the final Rock Step (section 4) when you recover make a ¼ turn right to end facing the front wall.