Intermediate NC
Count In: Start 2 second
[1-8] R Night Club- ¼ L Step Forward with Sweep- Cross Side Behind with sweep- Behind Side Cross- Sway R & L
1 2&R big side step (1), L rock back (2), recover weigh on R (&), 12.00
3¼ turn L step L forward sweep R back to front (3), 09.00
4&5Cross R over L (4), L side step (&), R behind with L sweep front to back (5), 09.00
6&7cross L behind R (6), side R step (&), L cross over R (7) 09.00
8&R sway (8), L sway (&) 09.00
[9-16] Forward - Diamond ¼ turn L- Behind Side- 1/8 turn Step Forward- Mambo L- 2step of Coaster
1Step R forward with sweep L back to front 09.00
2&3cross L over R (2), 1/8 turn L step R back (&), 1/8 turn L side step on L with sweep R front to back (3) 07.30
4&5R behind L (4), L side step (&), 1/8 turn L step R forward (5), 04.30
6&7Step L forward (6), recover on R (&), step back on L (7) 04.30
8&step back on R (8), ball on L beside R (&), 04.30
[17-24] Walk R L R with sweep- Mambo Forward with ½ turn L- Turn ½ ½ ½ - 1/8 turn L Coaster Cross
1 2 3Step R forward with sweep L (1), step L forward with sweep R (2), step R forward with sweep L (3) 04.30
4a5rock L forward (4) (*), recover on R (a), ½ turn L step L forward (5) 10.30
6a7½ turn L step R back (6) [4.30], ½ turn L step L forward (a) [10.30], ½ turn L step R back (7) 04.30
8&11/8 turn L step L back (8), R beside L (&), cross Lover R (1) 03.00
(*) Restart here at the 5th repetition, do 1/8 turn R to restart the dance facing 6:00
Change step : 4a step L forward with 1/8 turn R, touch R beside L
[25-32] Night Club R & L with ¾ Turn R with sweep L- Back step L R L- R rock Back
2big R side step (2), 03.00
3& 4rock L back (3), recover weigh on R (&), big L side step (4) 03.00
5& 6rock R back (5), recover on L (&), ¾ turn R step R forward with sweep L (6), 09.00
7&8back L (7), back R (&), back L (8), 09.00
&Touch R beside L (&) 09.00
FINAL :Do the 19 counts then step L forward make 5/8 turn L with sweep R
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use on your website please make sure it is in its original format.
Carolyne Sabatier (cs26081961@gmail.com) All rights reserved
http://cs26081961.wix.com/carolynedance - cs26081961@gmail.com
[1-8] R Night Club- ¼ L Step Forward with Sweep- Cross Side Behind with sweep- Behind Side Cross- Sway R & L
1 2&R big side step (1), L rock back (2), recover weigh on R (&), 12.00
3¼ turn L step L forward sweep R back to front (3), 09.00
4&5Cross R over L (4), L side step (&), R behind with L sweep front to back (5), 09.00
6&7cross L behind R (6), side R step (&), L cross over R (7) 09.00
8&R sway (8), L sway (&) 09.00
[9-16] Forward - Diamond ¼ turn L- Behind Side- 1/8 turn Step Forward- Mambo L- 2step of Coaster
1Step R forward with sweep L back to front 09.00
2&3cross L over R (2), 1/8 turn L step R back (&), 1/8 turn L side step on L with sweep R front to back (3) 07.30
4&5R behind L (4), L side step (&), 1/8 turn L step R forward (5), 04.30
6&7Step L forward (6), recover on R (&), step back on L (7) 04.30
8&step back on R (8), ball on L beside R (&), 04.30
[17-24] Walk R L R with sweep- Mambo Forward with ½ turn L- Turn ½ ½ ½ - 1/8 turn L Coaster Cross
1 2 3Step R forward with sweep L (1), step L forward with sweep R (2), step R forward with sweep L (3) 04.30
4a5rock L forward (4) (*), recover on R (a), ½ turn L step L forward (5) 10.30
6a7½ turn L step R back (6) [4.30], ½ turn L step L forward (a) [10.30], ½ turn L step R back (7) 04.30
8&11/8 turn L step L back (8), R beside L (&), cross Lover R (1) 03.00
(*) Restart here at the 5th repetition, do 1/8 turn R to restart the dance facing 6:00
Change step : 4a step L forward with 1/8 turn R, touch R beside L
[25-32] Night Club R & L with ¾ Turn R with sweep L- Back step L R L- R rock Back
2big R side step (2), 03.00
3& 4rock L back (3), recover weigh on R (&), big L side step (4) 03.00
5& 6rock R back (5), recover on L (&), ¾ turn R step R forward with sweep L (6), 09.00
7&8back L (7), back R (&), back L (8), 09.00
&Touch R beside L (&) 09.00
FINAL :Do the 19 counts then step L forward make 5/8 turn L with sweep R
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use on your website please make sure it is in its original format.
Carolyne Sabatier (cs26081961@gmail.com) All rights reserved
http://cs26081961.wix.com/carolynedance - cs26081961@gmail.com