Phrased Intermediate
Count In: Dance begins after 16 counts
Notes: A,A,B,A,A,A,B,A,A,B,B,A,B
A[1 – 8] Forward recover, ¼ slide, weave, side touch right & left 3
1-2Step forward right (1) recover weight back to left (2)
3-4Making a ¼ right, step right to right side (3) drag left up to right (4)
5&6Step left behind right (5) step right to right side (&) cross left over right (6)
7&8Touch right out to right side (7) bring right next to left (&) touch left out to left side (8)
A[9 – 16] Forward recover, ¼ shuffle, R kick ball step, walk walk 12
1-2Step forward left (1) recover weight back to right (2)
3&4Making a ¼ left, step left to left side (3) step right next to left (&) step left to left side (4)
5&6Kick right foot forward (5) step right foot next to left (&) step forward left forward (6)
7-8Walk forward right (7) walk forward left (8)
A[17 – 24] Side rock & cross, ½ turn curved walk, sweep, cross, side rock & cross. 6
1&2Step right out to right side (1) recover weight back on left (&) cross right over left (2)
3-4 1/6 turn left, stepping forward on left (3) 1/6 turn left, stepping forward on right (4)
5-6 1/6 turn left, stepping forward on left whilst sweeping right (5) cross right over left (6)
7&8Step left out to left side (7) recover weight back to right (&) cross left over right (8)
A[25 – 32] Toe strut R, toe strut L, forward 3/4 turn 3
1-2Touch right toes forward (1) step weight down on right (2)
3-4Touch left toes forward (3) step weight down on left (4)
5-6Step forward on right (5) ½ turn right stepping back on the left (6)
7-8¼ turn to the right stepping right to right side (7) step left next to right (8)
B[1-8] Angled walk R,L,R,L right mambo, left coaster
1-2Angling body to the right diagonal walk forward right (1) left (2) **right foot will be crossing over left, option is to put arms out at waist level with palms facing down.
3-4Angling body to the right diagonal walk forward right (3) left (4) **right foot will be crossing over left, option is to put arms out at waist level with palms facing down.
5&6Step right foot forward (5) Recover weight back on left (&) step right next to left (6)
7&8Step left foot back (7) step right back next to left (&) step left foot forward (8)
B[9-16] ½ turn curved walk, right mambo, left coaster
1-21/8 turn right stepping forward on right (1) 1/8 turn right stepping forward on left (2)
3-41/8 turn right stepping forward on right (3) 1/8 turn right stepping forward on left (4)
5&6Step right foot forward (5) Recover weight back on left (&) step right next to left (6)
7&8Step left foot back (7) step right back next to left (&) step left foot forward (8)
B[17-24] Angled walk R,L,R,L right mambo, left coaster
1-2Angling body to the right diagonal walk forward right (1) left (2) **right foot will be crossing over left, option is to put arms out at waist level with palms facing down.
3-4Angling body to the right diagonal walk forward right (3) left (4) **right foot will be crossing over left, option is to put arms out at waist level with palms facing down.
5&6Step right foot forward (5) Recover weight back on left (&) step right next to left (6)
7&8Step left foot back (7) step right back next to left (&) step left foot forward (8)
B[25-32] Right step touch, left step touch, right shuffle, cross rock recover, left ¼ shuffle
1&2Step right foot to right diagonal (1) touch left foot behind right (&) Step left foot to left diagonal (2)
&3&4Touch right foot behind left (&) Step right foot to right diagonal (3) Step left next to right (&) Step right foot to right diagonal (4)
5-6Cross left over right (5) recover weight back on to right straightening up from the diagonal(6)
7&8Make a ¼ turn to the left stepping forward on the left (7) step right next to left (&) step left foot forward (8)
End of dance
Contact: Timbo_84@hotmail.com
Last Update - 5th Feb. 2019
Notes: A,A,B,A,A,A,B,A,A,B,B,A,B
A[1 – 8] Forward recover, ¼ slide, weave, side touch right & left 3
1-2Step forward right (1) recover weight back to left (2)
3-4Making a ¼ right, step right to right side (3) drag left up to right (4)
5&6Step left behind right (5) step right to right side (&) cross left over right (6)
7&8Touch right out to right side (7) bring right next to left (&) touch left out to left side (8)
A[9 – 16] Forward recover, ¼ shuffle, R kick ball step, walk walk 12
1-2Step forward left (1) recover weight back to right (2)
3&4Making a ¼ left, step left to left side (3) step right next to left (&) step left to left side (4)
5&6Kick right foot forward (5) step right foot next to left (&) step forward left forward (6)
7-8Walk forward right (7) walk forward left (8)
A[17 – 24] Side rock & cross, ½ turn curved walk, sweep, cross, side rock & cross. 6
1&2Step right out to right side (1) recover weight back on left (&) cross right over left (2)
3-4 1/6 turn left, stepping forward on left (3) 1/6 turn left, stepping forward on right (4)
5-6 1/6 turn left, stepping forward on left whilst sweeping right (5) cross right over left (6)
7&8Step left out to left side (7) recover weight back to right (&) cross left over right (8)
A[25 – 32] Toe strut R, toe strut L, forward 3/4 turn 3
1-2Touch right toes forward (1) step weight down on right (2)
3-4Touch left toes forward (3) step weight down on left (4)
5-6Step forward on right (5) ½ turn right stepping back on the left (6)
7-8¼ turn to the right stepping right to right side (7) step left next to right (8)
B[1-8] Angled walk R,L,R,L right mambo, left coaster
1-2Angling body to the right diagonal walk forward right (1) left (2) **right foot will be crossing over left, option is to put arms out at waist level with palms facing down.
3-4Angling body to the right diagonal walk forward right (3) left (4) **right foot will be crossing over left, option is to put arms out at waist level with palms facing down.
5&6Step right foot forward (5) Recover weight back on left (&) step right next to left (6)
7&8Step left foot back (7) step right back next to left (&) step left foot forward (8)
B[9-16] ½ turn curved walk, right mambo, left coaster
1-21/8 turn right stepping forward on right (1) 1/8 turn right stepping forward on left (2)
3-41/8 turn right stepping forward on right (3) 1/8 turn right stepping forward on left (4)
5&6Step right foot forward (5) Recover weight back on left (&) step right next to left (6)
7&8Step left foot back (7) step right back next to left (&) step left foot forward (8)
B[17-24] Angled walk R,L,R,L right mambo, left coaster
1-2Angling body to the right diagonal walk forward right (1) left (2) **right foot will be crossing over left, option is to put arms out at waist level with palms facing down.
3-4Angling body to the right diagonal walk forward right (3) left (4) **right foot will be crossing over left, option is to put arms out at waist level with palms facing down.
5&6Step right foot forward (5) Recover weight back on left (&) step right next to left (6)
7&8Step left foot back (7) step right back next to left (&) step left foot forward (8)
B[25-32] Right step touch, left step touch, right shuffle, cross rock recover, left ¼ shuffle
1&2Step right foot to right diagonal (1) touch left foot behind right (&) Step left foot to left diagonal (2)
&3&4Touch right foot behind left (&) Step right foot to right diagonal (3) Step left next to right (&) Step right foot to right diagonal (4)
5-6Cross left over right (5) recover weight back on to right straightening up from the diagonal(6)
7&8Make a ¼ turn to the left stepping forward on the left (7) step right next to left (&) step left foot forward (8)
End of dance
Contact: Timbo_84@hotmail.com
Last Update - 5th Feb. 2019