SEQUENCE: 32, 32, 32, Tag, 16, 32, 32, Tag, 32, 4
PATTERN: Each Repetition Turns ¼ Left
1-2&Step R fwd, Sweep L out & around to Step across R, Step R to R
3-4&Step L behind R, Sweep R out & around to Step back behind L, Step L to L
5-6&Rock R over L, Replace on L, ¼ R Step R fwd - 3.00
7Step L beside R spinning ½ R on L sweeping R out and around - 9.00
8Step R behind L
&1-2Step L to L, Cross-rock R over L, Replace on L
&3-4Step R to R, Cross-rock L over R, Replace on R
&5-6¼ L Step L fwd, Step R fwd, Pivot ½ turn L onto L - 6.00
7&8Step R fwd, ½ R step L back, ½ R Step R fwd - 12.00
1-2&Rock L fwd, Replace on R, Step L beside R
3-4&Step R back, Step L back R, Step R to R
5-6&Rock L over R, Replace on R, ¼ L Step L fwd - 9.00
7-8Step R fwd, Pivot ½ turn L onto L - 3.00
1&2Step R fwd, ½ R stepping L beside R, Rock R back - 9.00
3&4Step down on L, ½ L stepping R beside L, Rock L back - 3.00
5-6Step down on R, Step L fwd
7-8Step R fwd, Pivot ½ turn L onto L - 9.00
TAG: On Walls 3 and 6 (chorus walls) add the 4 count tag
1&2Step R fwd, Step L beside R, Step R back (fwd Coaster)
3&4Step L back, Step R beside L, Step L fwd (back Coaster)
Wall 4 is 16 counts so dance 1-14 then
15-16Step R fwd, Step L fwd - 3.00
The end is facing 6:00 so dance 1-3 then behind, ½ turn L Step L(4)
Northside Linedancers - www.northsidelinedancers.com
Phone: 9489 2367 Mob: 0424 536 907 - E mail: carl@hotkey.net.au
PATTERN: Each Repetition Turns ¼ Left
1-2&Step R fwd, Sweep L out & around to Step across R, Step R to R
3-4&Step L behind R, Sweep R out & around to Step back behind L, Step L to L
5-6&Rock R over L, Replace on L, ¼ R Step R fwd - 3.00
7Step L beside R spinning ½ R on L sweeping R out and around - 9.00
8Step R behind L
&1-2Step L to L, Cross-rock R over L, Replace on L
&3-4Step R to R, Cross-rock L over R, Replace on R
&5-6¼ L Step L fwd, Step R fwd, Pivot ½ turn L onto L - 6.00
7&8Step R fwd, ½ R step L back, ½ R Step R fwd - 12.00
1-2&Rock L fwd, Replace on R, Step L beside R
3-4&Step R back, Step L back R, Step R to R
5-6&Rock L over R, Replace on R, ¼ L Step L fwd - 9.00
7-8Step R fwd, Pivot ½ turn L onto L - 3.00
1&2Step R fwd, ½ R stepping L beside R, Rock R back - 9.00
3&4Step down on L, ½ L stepping R beside L, Rock L back - 3.00
5-6Step down on R, Step L fwd
7-8Step R fwd, Pivot ½ turn L onto L - 9.00
TAG: On Walls 3 and 6 (chorus walls) add the 4 count tag
1&2Step R fwd, Step L beside R, Step R back (fwd Coaster)
3&4Step L back, Step R beside L, Step L fwd (back Coaster)
Wall 4 is 16 counts so dance 1-14 then
15-16Step R fwd, Step L fwd - 3.00
The end is facing 6:00 so dance 1-3 then behind, ½ turn L Step L(4)
Northside Linedancers - www.northsidelinedancers.com
Phone: 9489 2367 Mob: 0424 536 907 - E mail: carl@hotkey.net.au