Beginner / Improver
MUSIC: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/we-love-it/1435664433?i=1435664806
Intro: 16 counts after the first drum (approx. 9 sec)
No Tags and No restarts
S1: Press R Forward, Recover-sweep, R Sailor, Behind L, ¼ R, L Shuffle Forward
12Press forward on the ball of R, recover onto L while sweeping R from front to back
3&4Step R behind L, step L to L side, Step R to R side
56Step L behind R, ¼ R stepping R forward (3:00)
7&8Step forward L, step R beside L, step forward L
S2: R Heel Fwd-recover, R Heel Side-recover, R Back-rock-side, Weave R, Swivel Heel-Toe-Heel ¼ L
1&Rock R heel forward, recover onto L
2&Rock R heel to the side, recover onto L
(Easy option for Counts 1,2: tap R heel forward, tap R heel to R side)
3&4Rock back R, recover onto L, step R to R side
5&6Step L behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R
7&8Step R beside L swiveling both heels R, swivel both toes R, swivel both heels R for ¼ L ending weight on R (12:00)
S3: L Diagonal Forward Touch, R Diagonal Forward Touch, L Rock Forward, L Coaster-sweep
12Step L to L diagonal forward, touch R beside L
34Step R to R diagonal forward, touch L beside R
56Rock forward L, recover onto R
7&8Step back L, step R next to L, step forward L while sweeping R from back to front
(Styling on count 8: jump onto L while sweeping R)
S4: Weave ¼ L, ⅛ L Walk R, ⅛ L Walk L, Run RLRL with ¼ L
1234Cross R over L, step L to L side, step R behind L, ¼ L stepping forward L (9:00)
56Start walking around an arch of a circle with ⅛ L stepping R forward, ⅛ L stepping L forward (6:00)
7&8&Continue the arch and run forward R,L,R,L for another ¼ L (3:00)
Ending – At the end of Wall 12 (12:00): Step R forward with open arms on an extra count for a pose.
Contact: rhoda_eddie@yahoo.ca - 1(647) 295-3833 - www.laidance.net
Intro: 16 counts after the first drum (approx. 9 sec)
No Tags and No restarts
S1: Press R Forward, Recover-sweep, R Sailor, Behind L, ¼ R, L Shuffle Forward
12Press forward on the ball of R, recover onto L while sweeping R from front to back
3&4Step R behind L, step L to L side, Step R to R side
56Step L behind R, ¼ R stepping R forward (3:00)
7&8Step forward L, step R beside L, step forward L
S2: R Heel Fwd-recover, R Heel Side-recover, R Back-rock-side, Weave R, Swivel Heel-Toe-Heel ¼ L
1&Rock R heel forward, recover onto L
2&Rock R heel to the side, recover onto L
(Easy option for Counts 1,2: tap R heel forward, tap R heel to R side)
3&4Rock back R, recover onto L, step R to R side
5&6Step L behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R
7&8Step R beside L swiveling both heels R, swivel both toes R, swivel both heels R for ¼ L ending weight on R (12:00)
S3: L Diagonal Forward Touch, R Diagonal Forward Touch, L Rock Forward, L Coaster-sweep
12Step L to L diagonal forward, touch R beside L
34Step R to R diagonal forward, touch L beside R
56Rock forward L, recover onto R
7&8Step back L, step R next to L, step forward L while sweeping R from back to front
(Styling on count 8: jump onto L while sweeping R)
S4: Weave ¼ L, ⅛ L Walk R, ⅛ L Walk L, Run RLRL with ¼ L
1234Cross R over L, step L to L side, step R behind L, ¼ L stepping forward L (9:00)
56Start walking around an arch of a circle with ⅛ L stepping R forward, ⅛ L stepping L forward (6:00)
7&8&Continue the arch and run forward R,L,R,L for another ¼ L (3:00)
Ending – At the end of Wall 12 (12:00): Step R forward with open arms on an extra count for a pose.
Contact: rhoda_eddie@yahoo.ca - 1(647) 295-3833 - www.laidance.net